Starfinder Playlist
  1. #1

    LF Players, for a new 5E Modified Birthright FG Unity game.

    Looking for Members to begin a Modified Birthright World in FG Unity 5E

    To be held weekly on Tuesdays or Thursdays 7pm to 10 EST, depending on player availability, we will have a set day of the week. Looking to start Mid April.

    I am an experienced GM with some experience in FG Unity looking for 4-5 players wanting to play in a war-torn dark fantasy world. Characters must be neutrally
    or good aligned seeking to stem the tide of war through their actions, interaction with NPCs and Role Play. Seeking other non-drama players for a long campaign
    spanning from months to a year or more if players wish.

    This will be a Heroic level adventure involving combat, investigating, player and NPC action since all players may have a piece to the puzzle found during creation
    or gameplay. Where you, the player, will help steer the course of your adventure and have a notable impact on the realm.

    Session 0 will start with individual character interaction in the world using their characters background intermixed with some of the GM’s intermixing of world
    backgrounds into your character’s story. You character will start at level one and more than likely become 2nd level at the end of your personal session 0 encounter.

    Acceptable races are the base; Dwarves, Elves, Halflings, Humans, Gnomes, Half-elves, and Half-orcs.

    Since it is a low magic world, arcane casters are few and sought after and melee classes are abundant. Though there are nodes, lay-lines and other areas of
    interest for those seeking to follow the arcane to its highest potential.

    Please Message me if you are interested with your race, starting class and goals for your character. We will be using Discord to communicate during play and to
    talk prior to session 0 for everyone to get to know each other and have some interaction. You must have a mic and be willing to use it.

    A short exert;

    The dark raven glides over a large city teaming with people mustering about, talking among each other on what the Great General is wanting to say. A tall
    spire lies at the center, cages holding the remains of some tasty morsels as it lands and begins to pick away the juicier bits.

    At the end of the dark hallway, the light of day can be seen at its end. Figen, a large lumbering half-giant walked before us, his heavy armored boots echoing
    down the hall and his cloak fluttering from an occasional gust of wind.

    “So, ambassador, 3 years since the cease of hostilities, you offer me what? My unconditional surrender? Enslavement of my peoples? Death or imprisonment
    of my officers and a public display of my head on a stick in your city?” Figen questioned the old man.

    “No general, not entirely, only a public declaration of peace. A trial for any atrocities any of your men may have committed with a fair trial of course.” Grayson said.

    Grayson almost stumbled at the end of his sentence. This was a tense negotiation and he did not want the general in a sour mood. He tugged at the sides of his
    robes, attempting to loosen his clothes clinging to his form.

    Demetri, Grayson’s aid walked behind the two. Scribbling notes in his velum book, attempting to transcribe as much as the meeting as possible. He was a young
    thin man, in his late teens. He was honored to be chosen from amongst his peers, many of which had a better standing than him. But Grayson must have liked him.

    A horn sounded as three figures exited a large archway upon the city’s largest tower. One clad in heavy armor, another in robes and the last in a scholar’s wrap. The
    tower looked down to a large fairground filled with all manor of folks. Soldiers, barbarians from the north, artisans, shop keepers. A vast array of casts and races
    stood in silence as they approached the edge of the balcony.

    “My friends, my soldiers, the loyal citizens of Tera-Point. I have had the privilege, no, the honor talking with Ambassador Grayson from the southern nations.”
    Figen paused for a moment. “After a lengthy discussion on their aspirations of peace they have decided to offer us death and imprisonment!”

    Grayson seemed in shock for a moment, looking up at the general he attempted to speak. But Figen quickly grabbed the Ambassador’s throat lifting him easily
    off the ground. He slowly extended his arm holding Grayson over railing, over the crowd of thousands three hundred feet below.

    Figen continued, “Their words spoken were of peace, their peace of mind with our heads lining their roads on pikes. They spoke of trials for everyone who took
    up arms against them, offering death or imprisonment. Is this what you want!”

    The crowd below erupted almost as one, “NO !”

    “Just before the arrival of this so-called ambassador, they sent assassins to kill me, the other council members to include the leaders of your city.”

    As Figen continued, three cages were lowered from the rooftop, each holding a prisoner, barely alive.

    “Is this the action of those seeking peace?” Figen exclaimed.

    The crowd again screamed even louder, “NO !”

    “Was our goal not to garnish a fair peace with the southern kingdoms? Were we not wanting a voice at their table on what happens to us? Did we not put
    forth this cease fire in fairness to all, to show we meant to have peace! Do we settle for their only terms, imprisonment!?”

    The crowd yelled, “NO !”


    “NO !” the crowd responded.

    “What shall we do? What is it that you command of me!?”

    “War !” the crowd was becoming frantic. A steady thumping of drums began, the crowd continued chanting the same word. “War !”

    Figen released his grip on Grayson’s unconscious form, he fell into the crowd three hundred feet below. Once his body hit the ground, the cages soon
    followed, falling with their prisoners into the crowd.

    Figen turned to the scribe, “You, I forgot your name.” Figen shook his head, “Doesn’t matter. Go to your city, talked to your leaders, tell them what
    you have seen here and our answer.”

    “But know this, I will not be kind to your people, I will not show them any mercy, I will continue this war for an eternity if that is what it takes.”
    Figen stared down into Demitri’s eyes, “Know that death will come to your people, a painful and agonizing death. It is up to your leaders whether
    it comes quickly or over generations. But you and your kind do not belong here, you are a plague on the land and I am here to exterminate you all.!”
    Last edited by Ebonbrow; March 24th, 2022 at 01:15.
    Cannon Fodder always wins...

  2. #2
    I’d do it if the time was right.

    Love me some BR.

  3. #3
    The game is on Thursday 7 to 11 eastern US time. Would you be able to make that?

  4. #4

    Earliest I could do is 530pm PST

  5. #5
    Thanks for everyone that replied and sent messages. We are currently full
    Cannon Fodder always wins...

  6. #6
    If that changes I love Birthright and would love to join you.

  7. #7
    Hi Phithis, we have an open spot now if you want to take it. Please let me know.

  8. #8
    Yep. I messaged you back on here. Are any of us/all of us going to be landed like it was back in the day or more serving the lord's?

  9. #9
    I sent you a reply. We are working for the lords to maybe become ones ourselves one day.

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