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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by MostTornBrain View Post
    Since the differences between supporting Pathfinder 1e and D&D 4E are so minor for this extension, I'll see if I can make a single extension that supports both rulesets. Eventually, I'll put it on the Forge for easier updates if/when more changes need to be made in the future. Of course, I'll also keep the github version in sync.

    Sounds good! I will link the extension to my 4E extensions page when you get the single extension posted or on Forge. :-)

  2. #12
    Changes to integrate support for the 4E ruleset are now in github: https://github.com/MostTornBrain/CohortsAndCompanions

    The extension will now detect if you are running 3.5/PFRPG or 4E and do the appropriate thing.

    I'll try to figure out how to put it on the Forge in the next day or two. I have the creator account activated - just haven't used it yet.

    Last edited by MostTornBrain; February 22nd, 2022 at 04:11.

  3. #13
    I noticed using the Winter theme the text Cohorts and Companions in the Notes panel is a light gray making it hard to read. Is it possible to make it black text?

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by kevininrussia View Post
    I noticed using the Winter theme the text Cohorts and Companions in the Notes panel is a light gray making it hard to read. Is it possible to make it black text?

    Ah, thanks for the heads up. Looks like I have some more learning to do. I have no idea how themes get applied, so I need to investigate what I did wrong. I can easily reproduce the issue - especially with the "dark" theme. Hopefully I'll figure it out later tonight after my day job. :-)


  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by MostTornBrain View Post
    Ah, thanks for the heads up. Looks like I have some more learning to do. I have no idea how themes get applied, so I need to investigate what I did wrong. I can easily reproduce the issue - especially with the "dark" theme. Hopefully I'll figure it out later tonight after my day job. :-)

    Font definitions include a default color, but can overrode by specifying <color> xml tags within the control.
    Ideally it should use a font defined in CoreRPG since more themes will have changed the color.
    Overriding with the <color> tag is a last resort as it can hurt theme compatibility.
    Last edited by bmos; February 22nd, 2022 at 18:30.

  6. #16
    I figured it out on my lunch break. I had the "label_frametop" defined before the "frame_char" element. Swapping the order allows it to inherit theme coloring properly. The update is on github.


  7. #17
    could you add to extension.xml


    Looking further in the code I think you might have rolled back when fixing the font issue as 4E compatibility is not in the extension.


    EDIT: oops, I downloaded from the installation link on GitHub for the .ext which is old version.
    Last edited by kevininrussia; February 22nd, 2022 at 21:23.

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by kevininrussia View Post
    EDIT: oops, I downloaded from the installation link on GitHub for the .ext which is old version.
    Thanks for the reminder - I had forgotten to make a new rev of the .ext on github. I'll do that shortly.

    EDIT: new .ext rev is 1.0.1-beta on gihub.
    Last edited by MostTornBrain; February 22nd, 2022 at 21:57.

  9. #19
    This extension is now available on the Forge, assuming I enabled it correctly. :-)



  10. #20
    I noticed the Cohorts tab is being added to NPC/Pet panel. Is this intended?

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