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  1. #461
    GKEnialb's Avatar
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    Jul 2017
    Castle Rock, CO
    New version live on the Forge which fixes the issues found by Tatas (players not being able to change height until first changed by DM; changes in height not being visible to others) without taking much of a performance hit.

  2. #462
    I would like to suggest another "bugfix": there is an issue with the Combat Modifier Calculation extension which is calling a function replaced through your Token Height extension. Can you please add a check if the targetToken is valid in your getTokenWithinDistance function to catch cases where tokens from the CT are on different maps (see https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...150#post640150)?

    line 146 in Token Height.ext\campaign\scripts\image.lua:
    ORIG: if targetToken ~= sourceToken then
    BUGFIX: if targetToken and targetToken ~= sourceToken then

    Many thanks!

  3. #463
    GKEnialb's Avatar
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    Castle Rock, CO
    Thanks, Arnagus. I put a new version on the Forge with your suggested update. Let me know if it doesn't work for you.

  4. #464
    Many thanks, this is addressing the issue (at least from my testing), see https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...232#post640232

  5. #465
    GKEnialb's Avatar
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    Castle Rock, CO
    Great. Glad to hear it's working for you!

  6. #466
    I have modified with Kents permission his "5E Flanking and Ranged" extension to work with 4e as a free extension. I noticed it does not take Height into account when using your Token Hight Indicator extension. Any tips on how to add this functionality to the 4E Flanking extension?

    Here is the link to the 4e version


  7. #467
    Quote Originally Posted by kevininrussia View Post
    I have modified with Kents permission his "5E Flanking and Ranged" extension to work with 4e as a free extension. I noticed it does not take Height into account when using your Token Hight Indicator extension. Any tips on how to add this functionality to the 4E Flanking extension?

    Here is the link to the 4e version

    I think post #289 might help?

  8. #468
    GKEnialb's Avatar
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    Castle Rock, CO
    That's definitely a good place to start. I override all of the standard calls related to distance that I know about, but if Kent's extension does anything unique or overrides then itself, that would need to be resolved. I'd compare the functions in my image.lua (should be fully readable by you), the major functions that I override are there (token height lua overrides onWherl, but not much else - image.lua is the best place to look). If something in particular isn't working, I'm happy to take a look in a few days when I'm back from vacation.

  9. #469
    Quote Originally Posted by nephranka View Post
    I think post #289 might help?
    Yep, that did it.

    In my case for 4E it was

    if checkMeleeDistanceBetween(nodeCT, sourceNode) <= 1 then
    return true;

    Thanks! :-)

  10. #470
    First off, I wanted to thank and compliment GKEnialb on this extension, which is adding some needed functionality to FGU.

    I noticed in the original post that the extension has been tested with the MoreCore ruleset and I'm currently trying to use it for a miniatures tabletop adaptation I've built upon that ruleset. In my adaptation, the GM and player only ever control NPCs. The extension is working as expected for the GM, but the player who controls green-friendly NPCs isn't able to change the height on tokens with the [ALT]+Mouse Wheel shortcut. I have Options > "Players can change height ?" set to 'on' and because of the nature of the game play for my adaptation, Tokens > "Party vision and movement" is also 'on'. If I set Party vision and movement to off, it makes no difference. Meanwhile, the player is able to rescale their tokens with the [CTRL]+Mouse Wheel hotkey and I have facing indicators enabled and they're able to rotate a token successfully with the [Shift]+ Mouse Wheel shortcut. Tokens are also unlocked on maps, NPCs tokens are always dragged to the map from the Combat Tracker and I'm not using any other extensions. For the sake of giving it a good test, I did place a player character into the Combat Tracker and then dragged its token onto the map, but the player is unable to change the height for it's token too.

    I'm wondering if anything has changed since this extension was originally tested, that might now be preventing a player from being able to change a token's height?

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