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  1. #1

    Call of Cthulhu 7e reference manual bad link

    In the Fantasy Grounds module Call of Cthulhu 7e reference manual, in C12, "the grimoire", when I press the "next page" arrow at the bottom, it takes me back to the beginning of the chapter "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward" and then "spells" instead of going on to the next chapter (which also begins, strangely, with "The Case of Charles Dexter War" and then going on to "artifacts and alien devices". If I click C13 "the Case of Charles Dexter Ward", and then press the "next page" arrow, I again am taken to "spells" instead of "artifacts and alien devices". I think maybe the C13 "case of Charles Dexter Ward" might be a mistake. If I click on "artifacts and alien devices" in the left-hand panel, I can proceed normally. Not a big deal. I can work around it, but maybe could be fixed if one has time.
    Last edited by similarly; February 13th, 2022 at 04:54.

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    Hi similarly

    From what I can see C12 is correct.
    It should go "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward" which is really just the intro text on the image that prefaces that chapter.
    Following that should be (and is) Spells.

    C13 is not correct.

    Ok, Im wrong - the C12 version of "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward" is actually the C13 version.
    I have tidied up and submitted.

    ianmward has also submitted a bunch of missed bugs that resulted from the last CoreRPG code changes.

  3. #3

  4. #4

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