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  1. #11
    Hi blokkaroach

    I hadn't anything specifically planned for class/career. With the new update of FG and the inclusion of the Reference Builder I was thinking one could use that for creating the list of careers. But hey, I am open for suggestions. What were you specifically thinking about when asking for this? Could you give a quick description?

    The next things I want to work with are:

    - Making sure the combat tracker functions properly with basic information.
    - Checking what I could possible automate with talents and effects.
    - General polish of NPC and PC sheets.

  2. #12
    I was thinking something similar to the 5e class lists. Each Class as an overview and each career as a subclass, like a warlock pact or any other class specialization. Something that could be dragged and dropped onto the character sheet and set up to allow for mutli classing etc, with as much automation as core will allow. Which I will be honest I have no idea about. I covert stuff and make it pretty and functional, but don't mess with the mechanical side of it all

  3. #13
    I was thinking about how to do it yesterday and wanted to try something. I did a mock up using 5E (Obviously not super compatible, but wanted to get a feel for it.) I tries with the over class then the careers as specializations, but wasn't a fan of that, so did it again with the careers as the class, seems to work much better. I will link the mod I made here. Only did the Apothecary career, as a test and just left it as level 1-4 for the different specs (I think that might work anyway as a way to do it).

    Let me know what you think? Either way I am going to keep plugging away at the conversion. At the moment it is just as a gift to a friend. That being said I would be happy to convert the whole lot as an official conversion. Warhammer is awesome and the fact it isn't official on FG is a big hole as far as I am concerned. Id love to see both Warhammer and 40k officially on the platform.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #14
    There isn't anything to automate in wfrp compared to 5e is there? You have to buy everything so everyone would advance differently. Where 5e you get the stuff per level automatically with a few choices here and there. I wouldn't mind a tab on the character sheet for the career so you can keep track of what you've taken, and a spot on the sidebar to enter the career's info, but I'd rather get the combat tracker and anything for play working 100% first and the sheets polished up like in his list above. Character creation is harder to do on FG when it's like wfrp where you have choices to make. In 5e every fighter gets the same abilities at 1st automatically so a drag and drop makes sense.

    I've been putting the Starter Set adventure in for playing a one-shot myself, so I've been contemplating on how to do careers. I don't know what approach would be the best if I were to play a campaign right now, I'd simply use a note for each character to keep track of what they've spent on their career. Not very fancy but it'd get the job done. All I know is it takes alot of work to get something like this working and working well. I appreciate everything ShakyLuigi has done for wfrp 4e very much!

    All it takes to get it official is someone to approach Cubicle 7 saying they want to do it and probably show that they can. Most of the developers of the various systems are contracted with the various rpg companies to do this. It takes a big commitment. I've been on this with a small company and converted a couple of products for them to put on the Forge and the level of polish you need is pretty high. I wish they would teach a class on how to do rulesets lol there's so few people that know how!

  5. #15
    No. nothing to Automate. The mod I dropped I think does pretty much what you said. Gives a "Careers" tab and a way to easily track you careers. If I can look at my sheet and See "Apothecary 4" "Engineer 4" then I know where I am and the Career Path (Features) just give me a reference on the character sheet so I know what skill, talents and Trappings I have.

  6. #16
    I've been trying the new Reference Builder that has been added to Fantasygrounds, and I have made a test for a career overview.
    The advantage with this, is that you make it one time, and then you can export everything for later use as a mod.

    Reference Builder.JPG

    Now, i can see the advantage of making a special career tab on the side, with referenceses to talents and skills and other stuff.
    But I think for this to be advantageous I would have to allready preload all the information that is in the books. And I probably can't do that.

    So right now, I think the Reference Builder is the best bet for building all the careers, as anyone can make them as they please, and it is possible to export as a module.
    What I maybe could do, is adding somewhere on the charactersheet which can hold the career references.

  7. #17
    Just wanted to let people know that there won't be an update for a while now.

    I am going to run the first book of the Enemy Within campaign with my friends and test the ruleset.
    We made the characters yesterday, and, wow, there were a whole lot of small bugs, design flaws and missing basic functionality that needs to be added.

    But hey, I am getting it thoroughly playtested now!

    Happy gaming!

  8. #18
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShakyLuigi View Post
    Just wanted to let people know that there won't be an update for a while now.

    I am going to run the first book of the Enemy Within campaign with my friends and test the ruleset.
    We made the characters yesterday, and, wow, there were a whole lot of small bugs, design flaws and missing basic functionality that needs to be added.

    But hey, I am getting it thoroughly playtested now!

    Happy gaming!
    playtesting is always eye opening!

  9. #19
    Any updates on the progress of the project are very appreciated

  10. #20
    So far I've discovered and/or corrected the following things.

    - Minor issues concerning spelling, bad scripting, poor layout etc.
    - Changed the layout of the character sheet.
    - Removed the tabs on the side, and replaced them with two on the top. This will keep people from using the sheets that are not supposed to be used.
    - Moved weapons list into the tab system for Magic and Prayes. Saves a lot of space, and is a bit more intuitive.
    - Added Talents list on the NPC sheet. Added more space and other things on this sheets also, but it is a WIP.
    - There is something wonky with my advantage and modify values in the scripts, and I have to look into that.
    - Wrong damage on a couple of weapons.
    - I want to find out if I can automate some of the talents, particuarly the things that affect health and base characteristics.

    That's where I am right now.
    But again, don't expect any updates on the ruleset for quite some time now. We are heading into the busiest time of the year for me at work now. So I am immensely busy the next couple of months now.

    Happy gaming!

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