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  1. #1

    Drag and drop Svirfneblin (Deep Gnome) Race to character sheet Part 2

    Hey guys, I'm not very tech savvy, would it be possible to post screen shots of a character sheet populated with this races statistics?
    It would be much appreciated, thank you!

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Free Sky Days View Post
    Hey guys, I'm not very tech savvy, would it be possible to post screen shots of a character sheet populated with this races statistics?
    It would be much appreciated, thank you!
    My advice as previous, is copy the gnome race from the PHB and adjust from there. You can automate some parts of racial selection but some you cannot. Effects for racial resists/etc are doable.
    Fantasy Grounds AD&D Reference Bundle, AD&D Adventure Bundle 1, AD&D Adventure Bundle 2
    Documentation for AD&D 2E ruleset FGU Reference Module, or Web.
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    Note: Please do not message me directly on this site, post in the forums or ping me in FG's discord.

  3. #3
    You may want to check out the Fantasy Grounds Academy website for walkthroughs like this one.


    This video is Fantasy Grounds Classic but pretty much should translate to Unity.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Hi guys, does this screen shot show the correct advanced effects coding for the deep gnome? I have pasted the deep gnome description/details below for reference. Do you see more advanced effects I need to add the coding for? Thank you very much for your help!

    Svirfneblin Advanced Effects Screen Shot.jpg


    Gnome, Deep (Svirfneblin)

    Allowed Classes

    Cleric, Fighter, Thief, Illusionist

    Allowed Multi/Dual Classes

    A Svirfneblin can have two classes, but not three:

    Fighter/Thief, Illusionist/Thief, Etc.

    Abilities Adjustments None

    Racial Features:

    *Save bonuses versus magic.
    *Immune to the effects of illusions and phantasms.
    *In melee, +1 hit/damage vs drow and kuo-toa.
    *AC bonus vs certain large creatures.
    *Detect various underground features.
    *120 feet infravision.
    *60% chance to camouflage against deep underground rock.
    *Male only.
    *Summon earth elemental once/day at 6th level.
    *Spell-like abilities of blindness, blur and change self once/day.
    *Radiate non-detection as the spell.
    *Bright light reduces vision to 30 feet.
    *-1 to hit in bright light.
    *Surprised only on a 1 in 12 chance.
    *Surprise others on a 9 in 12 chance when alone or in the company of other Svirfneblin and not wearing bulky armor.


    Deep gnomes, also known as svirfneblin, are members of a breed of gnome that lives deep beneath the surface of the earth. They can be of any class or combination of classes that is permitted to surface dwelling gnomes. Deep gnomes who are not illusionists gain special abilities at high levels. Deep gnomes are more muscular than their above-ground cousins, their gnarled skin ranging from medium brown to grayish brown in color. They have gray eyes.

    Deep gnomes have the standard gnomish abilities with regard to detection of slopes and unsafe walls, and determining depth and direction underground. In addition, they have a 60% chance of being able to camouflage themselves against surrounding natural rock deep un*derground, remaining effectively invisible until they move, attack, or take some other action which negates Invisibility.

    Player character deep gnomes must be male, since no females of this sub-race have ever been known to take up adventuring careers. Player character deep gnomes do not possess the innate magic resistance of non-player character svirtneblin, but do gain a +2 bonus on saving throws versus poison and a +3 bonus on all other saving throws. Just as others of this sub-race, the deep gnome player character is immune to the effects of illusions and phantasms. Unlike non*player characters of this sub-race, player character svirfneblln do not automatically improve in natural armor class as they progress in levels. The reasons why player character deep gnomes lose certain abilities may be similar to why this happens to dark elves (see Unearthed Arcana drow).

    Deep gnomes speak their own tongue, which is related to the gnomish tongue spoken by surface dwellers of the race. They can know other languages depending on intelligence, with emphasis on tongues spoken beneath the earth. Player character deep gnomes cannot converse with creatures from the Elemental Plane of Earth, unless the character has such a language as one of the tongues that he or she has specifically learned, and player characters are just as likely to be attacked by creatures from the Plane of Earth as are members of any other race.

    When a deep gnome becomes a player character, he or she forfeits some of the benefits that derive from close association with the Elemental Plane of Earth, as described above. However, deep gnomes who are not illusionists do retain the innate ability of svlrfneblln to summon an earth elemental once per day. When a non-illusionist reaches 6th level in any class, he or she can perform this feat in a fashion similar to the magic-user spell conjure elemental. The type of creature summoned, if any, is determined by rolling a d20 and referring to the following table:

    [Die roll] [Die results]
    [1] [24 HD earth elemental]
    [2-6] [16 HD earth elemental]
    [7-10] [12 HD earth elemental]
    [11-15] [8 HD earth elemental]
    [16-18] [Xorn]
    [19-20] [Summoning fails]

    Player character deep gnomes may use the following spell-like abilities once per day: blindness, blur, and change self. as if cast by an illusionist of the same level as the character's highest level. A deep gnome also radiates non-detection as the spell, though this applies only to the individual alone and does not affect an area.

    Svirfneblin have lnfravision out to a range of 120 feet but ultravision of only a 30 feet range. In bright light their vision (of all sorts) is reduced to 30 feet, and they must take a penalty of -1 "to hit" when fighting opponents in such illuminated conditions. Player character deep gnomes can be surprised only on a 1 in 12 chance, and can surprise others on a 9 in 10 chance if they are alone or in the company of other deep gnomes and not wearing bulky armor. Player character deep gnomes do not have psionic abilities.

    In melee combat, deep gnomes gain a bonus of +1 on rolls "to hit" and damage when attacking drow and kuo-toa , which are enemies of their race just as goblins and kobolds are enemies of surface gnomes. The deep gnomes gain the same benefits as surface gnomes when attacked by giants, bugbears, ogre magi, ogres, trolls, or titans.

  6. #6
    JohnD's Avatar
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    Not related but as a DM I'd suggest thinking long and hard about not allowing this race for a PC. Just the thought of one character being able to summon an 8+ HD earth elemental once a day makes alarm bells start to ring in my head.
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    - John Diefenbaker

    RIP Canada, February 21, 2022

  7. #7

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    Impressive, well done.

    few things, damage is DMG not DAM and some saving throws can be automated as well if i am not mistaken like POISON:2;BREATH:3; etc...

    at the same time the last few player's handbook (except ninja and psionic) should be available in the next few weeks...months. However it looks like you are using the 1E version so they might not be of any use to you.

    Similar to JohnD, i found this sub race a bit overpowered in UA... beside ATK:-1 in bright light which is not much compare to everything else. Well they are very limited in level though except as thief.

    PS: i like your background image

  8. #8
    lol, thought has definitely crossed my mind JohnD!
    We will hopefully be starting the Night Below campaign soon and they have:
    - the deep gnome fighter
    - a fighter/druid
    - a druid
    - a necromancer
    - a mage/thief
    - and a thief
    At first thought, it seems the deep gnome's summon earth elemental ability (beginning at 6th level) will be needed for their survivability. If it becomes overpowered, as a DM I have creative options to even things out!

    One possibility I thought of just now looking at the table for summoning the earth elemental is that I can scale the HD of the elemental down and keep it more evenly matched to the PC's experience level.
    Last edited by Free Sky Days; January 6th, 2022 at 02:08.

  9. #9
    Thanks for the kind words and coding correction Readymeal!

    I may need more help with advanced effects coding and making the Race Traits as automated as possible for the deep gnome.

    Haven't DM'd in many years, and have never used a Virtual Table Top before, suppose to start in a couple weeks, don't even have the PC sheets complete yet (been stuck on Deep Gnome), let alone practiced using the maps and combat tracker and such.... super nervous!

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by Free Sky Days View Post
    Thanks for the kind words and coding correction Readymeal!

    I may need more help with advanced effects coding and making the Race Traits as automated as possible for the deep gnome.

    Haven't DM'd in many years, and have never used a Virtual Table Top before, suppose to start in a couple weeks, don't even have the PC sheets complete yet (been stuck on Deep Gnome), let alone practiced using the maps and combat tracker and such.... super nervous!
    I am surely not the most experience in effect coding... far from it in fact.

    Come have a chat with us on Discordhttps://discord.gg/fcamu5fw my understanding is you are running a 2E modules with the 2E ruleset? but using 1E content?

    i started FG by joining a game from Fantasy Grounds Academy where the DM will take the time to explain the basics, you can also watch some videos. Honestly the best with FGU is practicing... I have a bit of time in hands at the moment, I might be able to help out as well.

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