5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #21
    For AD&D 2E, monster THAC0 is 20- HD where HD is never even and rounds down to the previous odd number. If there are pluses to Hit Dice, THACO improves by one for every three HP. See pages 75 and 76 of the AD&D 2E deluxe DMG (the one DriveThruRPG sells.

    So, yes, 20-49 means the THAC0 would be -29. Note in 2E a natural 20 always hits and a natural 1 always fails.

    OSRiC or AD&D 1E is different in that the charts matter. You get several armor classes (six if I recall) where 20 will hit then it moves on to needing something that mathematically gets to 21, 22 etc. The charts on page 74 and 75 show characters top out at different levels up to 21 but monsters top out at 16+ HD with a THAC0 of 7.

    OSR rules that follow the B/X D&D rules have monsters top out at 21+HD with a THAC0 of 5 per page 26 of the D&D Expert Rules (as written by David Cook, it changes).

    OSR is a real mess as you can see. Blindly using 2E rules can add a lot of power creep to these edge cases.

  2. #22
    Well the 50HD creature in M&B II is labelled godlike.

  3. #23
    I was gonna say at this extreme GMs can do what they like. People used to bounded accuracy of 5E and the concentration mechanic aren't used to seeing all the bonuses pile up. 3E and Pathfinder can get crazy like that.

  4. #24
    For an NPC, by original core rules (PHB, DM's Guide, MM) Thac0 is unlimited for characters, so yeah, NPCs would continue to go down in Thac0 like that, but if you go with the later revisions (like DM's Option: High-Level Campaigns) then classed character Thac0 stops getting better after 20th level.

  5. #25
    The D&D Rules Cyclopedia has monster progression to 35+ HD and characters of 36 levels. I assume that is the same as the Masters rules. OSR rules may use this.

    The Classic D&D label Smiteworks uses covers a lot of territory. Heck, the official Old School Essentials Advanced rules just appeared as paid content on the Forge, today.

  6. #26
    Did you see Old-School Essentials Advanced, a full paid ruleset, was released and it's Forge entry has a direct link from the FG homepage? And it doesn't currently have any OSR adventures for it currently listed?

  7. #27
    New 5E bestiary is now available on forge. 5E Foes: Lovecraftian Horrors

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by BangsNaughtyBits View Post
    Did you see Old-School Essentials Advanced, a full paid ruleset, was released and it's Forge entry has a direct link from the FG homepage? And it doesn't currently have any OSR adventures for it currently listed?
    I'll have to see how I can fill this void.


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