1. #1

    Create racial abilities

    Hello everyone,

    I am very new to the SWADE ruleset and I was looking to create a custom race for which I would like to give some racial abilities. The problem is I do not find all of them in the Abilities list and when I look to some of them from an already present race they show up in the window as «*Feat*» which I do not find in the different buttons from the right side of the screen.
    What am I doing wrong? Where can I create them?

    Thank you for your help!!


  2. #2
    Hi Fegender, when you want to create a custom race, you can drag abilities from the sidebar records to it. Or you can create a custom ability directly in the newly created Race when clicking the little plus symbol in the abilities section of the race.

    But if you do it directly in the newly created race entry, the new ability will be available in the race record entry only and not in the abilities entry.

    So, best thing is to first create the custom abilitiy you want to add in the racial ability records (available through Sidebar - Abilities), then open the custom race and drag the newly created ability to the entry of the related race (available through Sidebar - Races) .

    I am not at the pc at the moment, but I will test it this evening when I have more time.
    Last edited by TomtheBu; October 14th, 2021 at 12:18. Reason: Syntax

  3. #3
    Thank you TomtheBu, I will do like this.

    I thought that there was a list of all these racial abilities somewhere that I was missing!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by TomtheBu View Post
    Hi Fegender, when you want to create a custom race, you can drag abilities from the sidebar records to it. Or you can create a custom ability directly in the newly created Race when clicking the little plus symbol in the abilities section of the race.

    But if you do it directly in the newly created race entry, the new ability will be available in the race record entry only and not in the abilities entry.

    So, best thing is to first create the custom abilitiy you want to add in the racial ability records (available through Sidebar - Abilities), then open the custom race and drag the newly created ability to the entry of the related race (available through Sidebar - Races) .
    Note though, that the abilities available from the Sidebar [Abilities] button, are the Special Abilities available for NPCs/monsters and different from Racial abilities. The list of Racial Abilities is accessed by clicking the [Racial Abilities] button on the Races window. But yes, as with Special Abilities you can create new Racial Abilities by clicking the [+] button at the bottom of the Racial Abilities window. And any racial abilities you create in that window, will be available for any other future races you create.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by kronovan View Post
    Note though, that the abilities available from the Sidebar [Abilities] button, are the Special Abilities available for NPCs/monsters and different from Racial abilities. The list of Racial Abilities is accessed by clicking the [Racial Abilities] button on the Races window. But yes, as with Special Abilities you can create new Racial Abilities by clicking the [+] button at the bottom of the Racial Abilities window. And any racial abilities you create in that window, will be available for any other future races you create.
    Good morning. Thank you for this information. I wasn't aware of the button in the Races window. Is this also a new button, like the Arcane backgrounds button in the powers window?

    It would be a nice feature, if all these buttons were available through the sidebar!

  6. #6
    Thank you Kronovan… that's the button I was looking for but, as TomtheBu was saying, I was looking at the sidebar.

    Thanks bot of you for the help!!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by TomtheBu View Post
    Good morning. Thank you for this information. I wasn't aware of the button in the Races window. Is this also a new button, like the Arcane backgrounds button in the powers window?
    I'm not exactly sure which update that button was added in, but IIRC it was there before the new [Arcane Backgrounds] button was added. I'm fairly certain it was added sometime in 2021, but TBH I haven't created many races since I migrated from FGC to FGU last Fall.

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