Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1

    LFP 4 Players 5e Bi-Weekly Fridays 8 ~ 11 Homebrew

    FG License: DM has Ultimate Unity
    Game System: 5E

    Time Zone: EST (GMT-5)
    Game Time: Bi-Weekly Fridays, 8~11PM EST
    Planned Start: Session 0 Friday September 24th
    Term: Looking to start a long term campaign

    Video/Voice software used: Discord Audio only
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

    Roleplay & Combat mix: 30% Roleplay/Explore 70% Combat
    Number of Players: Have 0 / Need 4
    Character Restrictions: Point Buy. No multi-class. No artificers. No Aasimir, Dragonborn, Drow, Duergar, Svirfneblin, or Tiefling.

    Who am I?
    GM with experience in pencil and paper from decades ago and two years of Fantasy Grounds as a player in 5E now. It's time to spin up my own game. I'm looking for a regularly scheduled time to have fun with a good group of people.

    Who might you be?
    Ideally, this is a game for older players. Descriptions are graphic only as necessary to motivate or illustrate. Forever GMs who want a break would probably be the ideal players for this campaign. I need players who are experienced with Fantasy Grounds and 5E. Voice acting is not important.

    Campaign Details:
    Maybe it was the only way out of your backwater life or maybe your caste/clan/church owed them a favor and you are the payment. Regardless, you are now a contract member of the Militant Mercantilist Guild (The Guild). The Guild is a combination of Armed Delivery, Private Investigation, Security, and Merchant Trader that operates in nearly every territory of the World. They are too expensive for common shipments and jobs but barely affordable for the tasks too important to fail. They operate within the law but with governmental exception to commoners law.

    Need to get heirs safely out of the kingdom because a rival is coming for the throne?
    Luxury shipments going missing from "bandits" and the employees are suspect?
    Can't spare troops to hunt down a beast eating villagers?
    Contact The Guild.

    Rank in The Guild gives characters some control over the jobs they accept and even taking projects on speculation.

    If the time and campaign sounds like a fit, please direct message me.

  2. #2
    Id be interested in this campaign. Been DM for my buddies for a while now and am just looking to be the player for a little bit while we have downtime in between campaigns.
    The bi weekly schedule works for me due to work. If you have any questions let me know

  3. #3
    The game sounds interesting. If you’re still looking for players, I’d like to join the game. I’m currently dming two games on fantasy grounds. Being a player sounds to me. The time works for me. Let me know if you have any questions for me.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    I could give it a shot. Honestly, I can appreciate it when a DM remembers that a lot of things are optional at their own discretion. Also I never know what to say in these posts.

  6. #6
    Hey I am looking for a campaign for me and my brother to join. I have only played thru one brief campaign, that only lasted til about lvl 4. My brother on the other hand has never played before. If you are still looking for players we'd be down to join.

    My name is Colton im 24
    My brother is Quinton hes 22
    My discord is Samuraiguy5#9383

  7. #7
    Party is Full 4/4. Thanks.

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