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  1. #11
    oh, i did not make the connection. ok. hmm, will try.

  2. #12
    New release has fixed the outstanding bug about module maps.

  3. #13
    I have a question about the impact of this on the size of the db file. As you add maps with saved FoW data, will the db file grow in size? If so, is there a way to remove unwanted or no longer needed FoW data? Thanks.

  4. #14
    As to impact that is a variable answer dependent on the maps themselves and how much of each map is explored and the number of characters. I would say that the impact is minimal overall. As to cleaning out there is no automated way to clean up characters at present. I'll try to add a button on the character sheet to display map data and allow deletion. In the meantime you can edit the charsheet entry and delete the <FoWs> data manually.

  5. #15

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by jharp View Post
    As to impact that is a variable answer dependent on the maps themselves and how much of each map is explored and the number of characters. I would say that the impact is minimal overall. As to cleaning out there is no automated way to clean up characters at present. I'll try to add a button on the character sheet to display map data and allow deletion. In the meantime you can edit the charsheet entry and delete the <FoWs> data manually.
    Thank you for the information. I am worried about the db size because I have found the larger the db gets the more performance issues I can have. The clean up button would be cool.

  7. #17
    how do you see "how big your DB is"
    what size do you consider "oh this is getting too big"?

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by FyreM View Post
    how do you see "how big your DB is"
    what size do you consider "oh this is getting too big"?
    You can find it under: /fgdata/campaigns/(your campaign's name)
    The file is called db.xml

    For me 2-4 mb is the right size. The smaller the better.

  9. #19

    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Melbourne, Australia
    This new patch is fantastic.

    However, after two maps (with four characters), my save campaign blows out to 10 secs. Db is ~1500kb, so not huge and if I delete the fow info from characters, it’s back to normal saving times.

    I have no idea what happens when the campaign saves every 5 mins or why a few lines kills it?

    Maybe because the line is so long?

    Any advice?

  10. #20
    What are your settings for FoWEnhanced? I expect default of replace/replace.

    However, if you are merge/merge and you use FoW Save / FoW Load a lot then I could see file growth being a lot. There is no intelligence to the merge. I cannot determine what aspects of the FoW are duplicates so it simply concats the two sets. The expected use of FoWEnhanced is that it be used sparingly when moving maps not an ongoing basis on the same map. Certainly not if you use merge/merge.

    Let me know if this matches what you see but in the meantime I'll try some tests on my side.

    To give an idea what merge is useful and expected to be used for here is one example. You move the characters back onto a prior map. They start moving and the DM has forgotten to load the FoW from prior. Changing to merge on the load will allow the prior FoW data to be merged into the "new" area data. Then you would need to set it back to replace.

    Merge are convenience / forgetfulness setting.

    No matter your response I'll see if I can't store the points in a better fashion to cut down on line length.

    Last edited by jharp; September 16th, 2021 at 05:16.

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