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  1. #1

    Question Dungeon of the Mad Mage - Better maps with LoS

    Hi there!!!
    I`m running DotMM to a friends, but the official maps that come with the adventure are pretty bad (not to mention the LoS is too close to the walls, so players often don't actually see the walls). I bought some maps from Jesper Nilsson Cyren (the maps are amazing), but now I'm wasting a lot of time making the walls and setting up LoS.
    Does anyone know where I can get/buy better maps with LoS?

    Thanks very much!!!
    Timezone: Brazil - BRT (GMT -3)
    Ultimate Fantasy Grounds

  2. #2
    i am not aware of any that have LOS already in them. however, you can 'overlay' the better maps onto the images of the stock ones.. and then nudge and touchup.. using the LOS of the stock.

  3. #3
    Somewhere in these forums I posted instructions for that. In a nut shell, you make the original map 100% transparent, and then place the better map underneath. The players interact with the LOS barriers on the original map, but see the prettier map underneath. It can be a bit of a pain to get things lined up.

  4. #4
    I tried to do what you mentioned, but after a long time trying, it didn't work and I gave up.
    Maybe I'm doing it wrong, I don't know.
    Jesper said his maps were made for Roll20. Do you know if the map scales are compatible? If not, I don't think it will work.
    I'll try again later and let you know.

    Thanks a lot for the help
    Timezone: Brazil - BRT (GMT -3)
    Ultimate Fantasy Grounds

  5. #5
    What specifically went wrong? I am running Candlekeep Mysteries, and replacing the maps with purchased maps.

    Look a these images. You adjust the A value to make a map transparent.

    original map.JPG

    better map.JPG

    Edit: I messed up the visibility setting. You want to set both layers visible to all.
    Last edited by spoofer; September 17th, 2021 at 13:28.

  6. #6
    hawkwind's Avatar
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    Oct 2012
    London Calling
    i found some maps on reddit that were dungeondraft files, it was easy to automate LOS with the utility that's lurking around. The maps are a bit laggy though as they are BIGGG!!!!!!!!!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by spoofer View Post
    What specifically went wrong?
    The LoS just dont match, so I have to adjust most walls/doors by hand...
    Timezone: Brazil - BRT (GMT -3)
    Ultimate Fantasy Grounds

  8. #8
    I had the same issue getting the maps created for Roll20 to overlap perfectly for DotMM. The creator I used provided the size for each map, but it didn't line up when I used his dimensions and added the layer over the base opaque layer. I ended up having to redo all of the LoS.

  9. #9
    Oh, there is not much you can do about that. For me, the maps almost always match perfectly, but some do not.

  10. #10
    hawkwind's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    London Calling
    try using the Map align tool first, its very good

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