5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #1

    (paid) (Pathfinder 1e ) (Iron Gods) (Sci-Fantasy )

    hey guys iam Doomhippy been a dm for 15 years
    my games are heavy roleplay and tactical combat

    Fridays !!!!

    (6pm EST) (11 pm uk )
    3/5 looking for 2 players

    Pathfinder 1E

    The campaign
    Iron gods

    Once the greatest of the River Kingdoms, Numeria today is
    a land of grim barbarians and dark magic, its fierce people
    ruled over by a cabal of tainted magicians devoted to artifacts
    they do not understand. These secrets are not of this world,
    brought to Golarion with the dramatic crash of a colossal
    metal mountain from the sky, which scattered pieces of
    itself across the country.
    While its barren landscape leaves little for trade, Numeria
    is famous in more civilized southern lands as the primary
    source of skymetals, seven rare metallic alloys sheared from
    the metal mountain that fell from the sky. These alloys are all
    useful in the creation of unique weapons and artifacts, and
    each has its own distinct properties. Of these, adamantine is
    the most common, and word of the wonders of “Numerian
    steel” has long since spread to the farthest corners of Avistan
    and Garund.
    Numeria’s capital of Starfall is a grim and brutal place,
    a decadent mockery of the royal courts of the south. Here,
    the barbarian king known as the Black Sovereign reigns
    unchallenged, supported by the perverse sorcerers of the
    Technic League and their gearsman servants. In its filthy
    streets, strange metal men from the Silver Mount enforce
    the dictator’s decrees, while those who revel (or pretend
    to) in the king’s carnal celebrations grow fat on the toil of
    others or become addicted to the vile, intoxicating liquids
    that seep from the wreckage of the Silver Mount


    By PayPal
    £10.00 a session 4 SESSIONS in advance

    I offer deals on bulk sets of sessions

    12 sessions 15% off

    24 sessions 25% off

    My discord

    My main fantasy grounds post
    main add


    Thx for Looking DoomHippy
    Last edited by Doomhippy; November 19th, 2021 at 02:49. Reason: Pathfinder

  2. #2

  3. #3
    1 space campaign start today

  4. #4
    Bumps to game groups A and B know thx guys

  5. #5
    campign update irongods

  6. #6

  7. #7

  8. #8
    2 session start tomoz spaces left update bump

  9. #9

  10. #10

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