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Thread: Bug Report

  1. #1

    Bug Report

    OS: Vista Ultimate
    Bug/Error: Some directories missing when installed with alternate credentials.

    I don't run as an admin. When I ran the installer as admin and entered the alternate credentials for an admin account, certain directories were not created under my logged in account in the application data path (C:\Users\%userName%\AppData\Roaming\Fantasy Grounds II\). I discovered the missing directories and associated files under the application data path for the alternate account. These directories and files need to be centrally located so they are accessible to all users of the computer.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    FG2 is vista compliant so there is no reason to install as admin.

    As a general rule you should not install on Vista as an admin because it shuts off folder virtualization (and pathing). If you install something as admin you should run the program as admin. This is a major change from earlier versions of the Windows OS. Thus don't install as an admin unless the program says it is required, just promote to admin as necesary.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Virginia Beach

    Vista Ignorant

    My XP computer with FG2 had a motherboard failure, so I was forced to upgrade to a vista machine. I'm really a Mac guy and only use PCs to run FG2 and RPGXplorer. When I install the program on my new Vista machine, what do I have to do/not do to install not as admin?

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Just double click the installer. You should not have to do anything. Normally Vista doesn't run in admin mode. Typically you have to tell it to run an installer as admin by right clicking on the installer or sometimes an installer will ask to be promoted but the FG2 one should not. Don't install from *the* administator account, but it is OK to install from an account *with* admin privilages.

    Once you double click the FG installer, the ACS will ask if you trust the installer - just look to see it's the FG one and click allow - everything after that should be normal.
    Last edited by Griogre; August 21st, 2008 at 02:43.

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