1. #1

    "dualing themes" 2 at once?

    Ok, I am setting up my play space after buying Deadlands Weird West. I bought the Fantasy Grounds Western Theme but I also like the Deadland theme that came with the game .So I have them both clicked on and I like it. One question, is having two themes on at the same time bad for any reason? It seems to work but that might not be a sign that its good to do.

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    It the themes are visual only it probably wont cause any issues.
    The Deadlands theme probably has some tweaks to the rules so you would want to check that they are not being overwritten/lost.

  3. #3
    Ok, cool. I'll keep that in mind. I don't know if I can live without the spitoon as the dice tower for the western theme but without the Deadlands theme the bennies are generic SW and I can't use the Deadlands decals. I hope it works out cus that's like a Sophie's Choice there with which theme to use on its own

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