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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by rhagelstrom View Post
    Version update to 1.5

    It should do that already. I tested it and it worked how I thought it worked. If you give me a specific example I can take a look at it.

    As of a recent update, I believe it does now. Thank you!

  2. #42
    Hi, someone have a list made of what command you use for your game as a DM?


  3. #43
    It does it again.

    If you close the game by "Return to Launcher" the extension disappears and you need to reload FG.
    Last edited by Drogo210; June 28th, 2021 at 16:07.
    UTC +2
    Italian DM
    Italian/English Player

  4. #44
    Minor bug fix update 1.6:
    Fixed Apply effect which replaces ability score from power while using Mad Nomads Character Sheet Effects Display was not working properly
    Fixed Ongoing saves were not respecting disabled
    Removed There was some hidden file cruft in pervious versions which shouldn't have been there

    Quote Originally Posted by Drogo210 View Post
    It does it again.

    If you close the game by "Return to Launcher" the extension disappears and you need to reload FG.
    Unfortunately I can't reproduce this error. When I "Return to Launcher" the extension is listed. I did remove a couple of hidden files that seemed so sneak their way into the previous versions, perhaps that was the cause?

    Quote Originally Posted by plap3014 View Post
    Hi, someone have a list made of what command you use for your game as a DM?

    I don't have a full list of codings for RAW stuff. I have thought about doing that but haven't gotten around to it. I have included some that I use in the instructions as examples.

  5. #45
    I was wondering if you have plans to add a command to handle actions that only happen once a turn, like sneak attack or favored foe for ranges in TCE?

    This has some really cool features. I am looking forward to using it.

  6. #46

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by jrowsey1 View Post
    This extension already handles that

    I have that one. Thanks!
    I was hoping this would cover it and allow me to reduce the number of ext I use. Just like this one does on going saves and there is one in the DMsGuild that does that as well.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by nephranka View Post
    I have that one. Thanks!
    I was hoping this would cover it and allow me to reduce the number of ext I use. Just like this one does on going saves and there is one in the DMsGuild that does that as well.
    I'm of the other thought. I don't care how many EXTs I'm using really, I just want them to do what they should do and limiting in scope. Make another EXT that does the other thing instead of adding it into the same EXT. Because the problem is if you do not like 1 item in an EXT, you might not be able to use the whole EXT.
    Also they have way more conflicts that way and harder to tract down which is what if you have a few exts doing a ton of diff stuff.

    Also I kinda like when people sell things on the DMsGuild instead of just posting it for free on the forums (WHAT? I know listen). Because then it's updated more, its also easier to keep track and they more likely to work with other EXT makers to limit conflicts.

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    I'm of the other thought. I don't care how many EXTs I'm using really, I just want them to do what they should do and limiting in scope. Make another EXT that does the other thing instead of adding it into the same EXT. Because the problem is if you do not like 1 item in an EXT, you might not be able to use the whole EXT.
    Also they have way more conflicts that way and harder to tract down which is what if you have a few exts doing a ton of diff stuff.

    Also I kinda like when people sell things on the DMsGuild instead of just posting it for free on the forums (WHAT? I know listen). Because then it's updated more, its also easier to keep track and they more likely to work with other EXT makers to limit conflicts.

    I figure that onturn action is in alignment with the general purpose of this ext and it is not a reach to included it in the whole. Including it does not require usage. I don't use parts of this one now. Options are good.

    I also agree with paying. Updates are good and it the singular point of failure of the free system.

  10. #50
    There's a balancing act for sure. Extension fragmentation comes with downsides, some of which can be more easily mitigated than others. This first is that extensions require manual updating, so more extensions means more work for end users to keep em up to date. The second is that of common infrastructure: related features often use the same code under the hood, so fragmenting the features into distinct extensions requires duplicating that code as well as increasing its complexity so that it doesn't interfere with itself in each fragment. This third is that while each extension on its own may be simpler and less likely to conflict, more extensions means more work to identify where the conflict is coming from.

    As for free vs paid... On behalf of myself and many of the free extension developers here on the forums, I'm so very sorry that clearly we have misunderstood the arrangement. I for one will be sure to be less responsive on updates, as is expected of me (completely joking of course). In all seriousness, I have absolutely no ill will toward those who wish to be paid for their hard work. And I admit it does sting at least a bit that it is assumed I, or any developer, would be less serious about my work because I have decided I would like to share it as a gift to the community.
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