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  1. #21
    Looking forward to the Operations Manual and the 2.0 version.
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  2. #22
    Saeval's Avatar
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    I'm really looking forward to the 2.0 release and the new Marines book. We're going to be taking a break from our long campaign soon to play a short game of something else and I want to do Alien, is there an ETA of when 2.0 might go live? The current version is great but I'm really excited about the upgrades coming with the new release.

  3. #23
    Valyar's Avatar
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    Mar 2018
    OK folks, small status update - Colonial Marines Operations Manual is almost completed. I am refactoring a bit the work - extracting last two chapters to third module for the Frontier Wars campaign to be usable as adventure and have story entries where necessary, not just reference manual. It will be submitted to SW probably next week.

    Alien 2.0 is also close to release, though we probably will leave the dedicated xenomorph library for 2.1, as there are certain things I would like to modify, but don't want to delay further. The NPC library will be the way to go. We added some minor improvements to reporting in the chat and updated ship & vehicle sheets to accept drag & drop of items to refer easily the object during play. All modules are also updated. The ruleset manual will be moved to Confluence and the PDF removed in order to reduce the download time and allow everyone to refer it at any time.

    In regards to the FGC support and deadline of 24th - will ask SW if 2.0 can be delivered alongside CMOM to FGC users.
    Last edited by Valyar; June 9th, 2021 at 20:48.
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  4. #24
    Valyar's Avatar
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    Alien 2.0 has been submitted today. The release notes are here.. It will arrive to the Live channel in two weeks. URL for the Wiki-based ruleset manual will follow.

    PS: It turned out that CMOM is scheduled for release mid August, therefore it won't hit FGC's EOL date of 24th of June. I was confused due to the pre-order phase that is currently on-going.
    Last edited by Valyar; June 15th, 2021 at 07:05.
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Valyar View Post
    Alien 2.0 has been submitted today. The release notes are here.. It will arrive to the Live channel in two weeks.
    The moment its live, I buy! Correction...its bought!
    Last edited by Kingfish; June 25th, 2021 at 01:41. Reason: Its BOUGHT!

  6. #26
    Noticed 2.0 was in the updater this week. Diggin some of the new features. Time to figure out the new space combat system.

  7. #27
    Are the careers dang'n'droppable? I tried doing a search and all I could find was, 'that was the plan'...

    Maybe I am just missing something but I couldn't seem to figure it out.

  8. #28
    Valyar's Avatar
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    It seems we left this feature. Will try to add it this week.
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Valyar View Post
    It seems we left this feature. Will try to add it this week.
    Thank you, i have dummy players...i gotta make it as easy for them as i can!

  10. #30
    Honestly, I don't see what benefit drag n drop careers would add other than filling in the career name. Everything in a career is still based on player choice. You'd still have to choose a single talent from the chosen career, how to spend attribute and skill points, starting gear, signature items, etx.

    IMO, a better system would be to make those choices drag-n-droppable from a career sheet.

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