Starfinder Playlist
  1. #1

    Using the Build Channel Function

    I tried searching in the in these forums as well as the customer portal and can not find any clear explanation.

    "Build Channel"
    Is this a method of using a previous version? I found another post from February 2021 saying there is no way to revert to a previous version.

    If that is the case, what is "Prev" for?

    Testing it:
    Live mode tells me: v4.1.0 Ultimate (2021-05-12)
    Prev mode shows: [PREV] v4.1.0 Ultimate (2021-05-12)
    But both are showing 4.1.0 with the same date. So what's the difference?

    I updated today not realizing the big lighting update came out. Now I'm concerned that some of the extensions may not be ready. Will running in PREV mode be the same as not updating? If not, what does it do?

    Thanks Everyone!

  2. #2
    Normally, we use the Previous channel in order to provide older builds for this sort of release.

    However, this release actually changes data formats; so there is no way to flip between versions without causing issues.

    Therefore, for this release, there is no previous version, and no roll back.

    On the extensions front; the actual ruleset code for all the new features has been being added to the Live channel for the last 2-3 months, so most extensions are already updated.


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    Therefore, for this release, there is no previous version, and no roll back.
    Thanks Moon Wizard. I appreciate the quick response.

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