5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #161
    Quote Originally Posted by MacDork View Post
    I love the color theme so far -- thank you for putting so much effort into this.

    Would you consider giving window borders a light color so that windows are distinguishable from one another? Or maybe change the background so that it contrasts with window contents better? As it stands, windows all seem to run together with such a low-contrast border color (black).

    Again, thanks! This is a great theme that I"d love to see you keep developing!
    Thank you for the kind words.

    I probably won't change the borders to something else, sorry.

    During development of the color scheme I experimented with a lot of backgrounds and frame borders, but I never found something that looked thematically sound but for how it looks now.

    Just recently I increased frame border thickness to account for the problem you describe and have been very happy with it up until now.

    Please be aware that this theme is very sensitive to screen brightness. You may want to check your monitor settings in case they are set very low. I have mine set to 120 cd/m which is well suited for dimmed/low light conditions.

    I would also advice you to check if your screens contrast settings are set to a value that is ill suited for dark colors.

    I may provide add-on extensions for some tweaked borders or backgrounds if you wish, but please don't hold your breath on this.

    Sir Motte

    Edit: I added new frame borders that are a mix of both black and a lighter brown, which works perfectly.
    Last edited by SirMotte; June 21st, 2021 at 20:26.

    I support ORC(L) and #opendnd!

    Check out my Extensions and Materials for FGU!
    Dark Theme: Sir Motte's Magnificent Darkness - Hearth Edition.
    Custom GM Icon: Sir Motte's GM Icon Replacer.
    Midjourney Art: AI generated images for my campaign.

  2. #162

  3. #163
    Update to vBeta_2.4.0_Fragrant_Dungeon

    Move to Github for Release Distribution and Dev-Branch availability.

    Next batch of supported extensions added and minor tweaks and fixes.

    • Increased Link Icons size
    • Changed some icons for chat dice
    • Changed Effects Icons Contrasts
    • Darkened Character Sheet Tabs for better readability.
    • Fixed Dice Tower Frame - bounding box was huge, resulting in overlapping areas when placed near other windows or the hotkey bar. (thanks to WeezelD on Discord for pointing this out.)
    • Changed Pin color to be in Line with theme, hopefully this also helps with visibility.

    Added Extension Support:
    • Token Height Indication by GKEnialb (Fix brought to you by Saagael <3)
    • Mad Nomad's Party Combat Stats
    • Mad Nomad's Enhanced Encounter Window
    • Portals Revamped by DiabloBob
    • Extended Language Fonts by Mattekure
    • Clock Adjuster by pr6i6est (Troy Monteith) and bmos (Icons only)
      The much requested Clock Adjuster will receive an official update by bmos soon to make it compatible with any theme.
      You can grab an already adjusted version by MeAndUnique in its Forums Thread!

    Supported Extension changes:
    • Fixed Combat timer font color (thanks to Saagael)
    • Clock Adjuster - Icons changed - Please read the extension information!
    • Death Indicator by Silent Ruin - Adjusted Token Placeholder Skull to no have tiny eyes. Thought it was funny, but it isn't.
    • Mad Nomad Character Sheets Effects - Changed Icon to stop/remove Effect

    Download the latest Version here
    Github Release
    Last edited by SirMotte; May 1st, 2021 at 20:28.

    I support ORC(L) and #opendnd!

    Check out my Extensions and Materials for FGU!
    Dark Theme: Sir Motte's Magnificent Darkness - Hearth Edition.
    Custom GM Icon: Sir Motte's GM Icon Replacer.
    Midjourney Art: AI generated images for my campaign.

  4. #164
    SirMotte... Excellent work!

  5. #165
    Quote Originally Posted by SirMotte View Post
    Choo,choo, full steam ahead!

    Haven't forgotten the colorblind edition I promised so long ago! Priority Nr. 1 once the theme is reliable enough.
    You're too kind, man. Thank you!

  6. #166
    I have made the download for the Dev-Branch available. It will be updated every time I work on the theme. Expect odd things like errors for missing graphics, unfinished stuff and other oddities that could occur if you decide to use this.

    I support ORC(L) and #opendnd!

    Check out my Extensions and Materials for FGU!
    Dark Theme: Sir Motte's Magnificent Darkness - Hearth Edition.
    Custom GM Icon: Sir Motte's GM Icon Replacer.
    Midjourney Art: AI generated images for my campaign.

  7. #167
    Update to vBeta_2.5_Sweaty_Hilts + Hotfix

    This is a "smaller" update, though it took a lot more work internally. I started hammering the image window into shape, but some issues with weird script related menu colors have forced me to postpone this until I find a fix.
    Edit 1: Moon Wizard confirmed "It's a bug!".
    Edit 2: The bug has been fixed and my changes are included.

    This also resulted in not getting done with my rework of the radial menu icons.

    Unfortunately I will have little time to work on the theme during this week, so I wanted to make sure to get the good stuff to you anyway, especially the extension changes and additions.
    I will try to deliver a patch in the next few days, but don't count on it.

    Also a very special thank you to Mad Nomad for not only helping me with his Extension integration, but also for donating! Highly appreciated!

    Sir Motte

    Image Window Issue (Test Server):


    • Dropped third digit in versioning, as I won't need it and to make it Mad Nomads Third Party Updater conform.
    • Changes to icons here and there, some replaced for a more coherent look and feel.
    • Changed Ranged Weapon and Melee Icon in Actions Tab
    • Adjusted Downstate colors for some buttons.
    • Remade image frame header Icons
    • Remade context menu and its icons (rightklick) (still WIP)

    Added Extension Support:

    • Local Dice Tower by Thomas Delaplain (Minty23185Fresh)
    • 5E - Coin Converter by Mattekure

    Supported Extension changes:

    • Clock Adjuster sunrise and midnight icon changed slightly to be clearer.
    • Added missing Font Definition for empty token bag of Death Indicator
    • Changed Map Parcel and Polymorphism Token Placeholder to be in line with overall Theme
    • Removed Combat Timer support, as the extension itself does not work anymore and my changes generate warnings in the console. (will come back if someone steps up and fixes it)

    Edit: Pushed a tiny hotfix just now. Temp HP for the client had the wrong color and I changed the bold font from Roboto-Bold to Roboto-Black, to make it more prominent.
    You'll have to redownload from the Release-Branch. Sry bout that . (Thanks to Seanifurr for pointing this out).
    Last edited by SirMotte; June 21st, 2021 at 20:29.

    I support ORC(L) and #opendnd!

    Check out my Extensions and Materials for FGU!
    Dark Theme: Sir Motte's Magnificent Darkness - Hearth Edition.
    Custom GM Icon: Sir Motte's GM Icon Replacer.
    Midjourney Art: AI generated images for my campaign.

  8. #168
    Update to Beta 2.6 - Plucked Horse

    Edit: It seems lighting just went live. No issues so far.

    This update brings in some more extension support, a lot of very nice changes to the UI and makes an attempt to be ready for TEST to go live.
    While Icons are still not where I want them, I wanted to bring the other changes to you as fast as possible, as I won't be able to do aynthing on my pc for the next 4 days or so.


    • Reworked radial menu and icons. (Still WIP around 70 Icons done so far, another ~90 to go)
    • Added brighter 1px rim to frames for better visibility if stacked on top of each other
    • Adjusted Image Window Icons
    • Adjusted some CT Icons
    • Fixed Image Frame Borders when not set as background mode. An invisible space is still around it unfortunately. Don't know yet how to adjust the xml accodingly.
    • Added additional Icon to the image share menu making it 3 tiered instead of two-tiered, allowing for unique icons. BIG THANKS TO SAAGAEL!
      -> Unfortunately the way FGU is coded, this is not allowed for other share menus like on traits, spells and the like, still resulting in menus with either 3 oder 2 tiers and only the color red and green.
      -> The "reset fog of war icon" is also not changeable to something else, so it still uses the icon_token_visiblity_off icon (closed red eye). Nothing I can do about that.
    • Added additional Icon to the rest menu making it 3 tiered instead of two-tiered, allowing for unique icons. BIG THANKS TO SAAGAEL!
    • Fixed image window toolbar icons transpracency that was altered with one of the recent changes.

    Added Extension Support:

    • Sign Language Fonts by Mattekure
    • TTRPG Safety Toolkit by Mattekure
    • Mad Nomad's 3rd Party Updater
      -> Both the extension itself is now supported with custom buttons and updates are available through it too.
      -> Please keep in mind that the list is slow to update, so better check my forums page regularily.
    • Extended Rest by MeAndUnique
    • 5E Legendary Assistant by Stv
    • Halt! by damned
    • ReadyCheck by Celestian
    • Audio Overseer by Celestian

    Supported Extension changes:

    • Reinstated Combat Timer Extension. The error was caused by my theme! - Solved!
    • Changed Map Parcel Chest Icon again - Was overly complicated and didn't look nice.
    • Changed some clock adjuster Icons to be in line with theme
    • Minor changes to buttons for all extensions.
    Last edited by SirMotte; May 14th, 2021 at 02:35.

    I support ORC(L) and #opendnd!

    Check out my Extensions and Materials for FGU!
    Dark Theme: Sir Motte's Magnificent Darkness - Hearth Edition.
    Custom GM Icon: Sir Motte's GM Icon Replacer.
    Midjourney Art: AI generated images for my campaign.

  9. #169

    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    I didn't see this on your known issues but there appears to be an extension conflict with rob2e next level XP automation extension when opening up the class on the character sheet to level up. The LVL UP button is off the window and a number of console errors appear
    [ERROR] window: No vertical anchor defined for control (expneeded) in windowclass (charsheet_classes)
    [ERROR] window: Control (levelup) anchoring to an uncalculated control (expneeded) in windowclass (charsheet_classes)

  10. #170
    Quote Originally Posted by 0m0n View Post
    I didn't see this on your known issues but there appears to be an extension conflict with rob2e next level XP automation extension when opening up the class on the character sheet to level up. The LVL UP button is off the window and a number of console errors appear
    [ERROR] window: No vertical anchor defined for control (expneeded) in windowclass (charsheet_classes)
    [ERROR] window: Control (levelup) anchoring to an uncalculated control (expneeded) in windowclass (charsheet_classes)
    Are you using constitutional Amendments by MeAndUnique or Mad Nomads Character Sheet Tweaks by chance? I had others report this error as well and it seems to be related to these two extensions. Does it happen only with my theme active?
    I can't test this myself, as I do not own the XP Automation extension. Edit: Oh it's pay what you want)

    Edit: I talked to 0m0n on discord. Seems like a script I use to change colors is messing with next level XP automation. But it looks like the Extension is redundant anyway unless you desperately need to lock xp and don't use Mad Nomads Character Sheet Tweaks.
    Last edited by SirMotte; May 14th, 2021 at 02:20.

    I support ORC(L) and #opendnd!

    Check out my Extensions and Materials for FGU!
    Dark Theme: Sir Motte's Magnificent Darkness - Hearth Edition.
    Custom GM Icon: Sir Motte's GM Icon Replacer.
    Midjourney Art: AI generated images for my campaign.

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