1. #1

    Adjusting scale penalty for attacks

    For reference, I am running Savage Rifts (SWADE). I have a PC in my current campaign who is playing a dragon hatchling and is size 5 (Large), which means a penalty is applied whenever they melee-attack an NPC of size normal (which most are). They have a built-in tail lash skill that is specifically noted to ignore scale penalties. How do I program this into the attack for use with the combat automation?

    I have tried a number of combinations of the [Ignore] command, including...

    [Ignore #Size]
    [Ignore #Scale]
    [Ignore #Size, +5]
    [Ignore #Scale Penalty]

    Nothing seems to work. When I click to roll for melee it always factors in this -2 penalty and I know I can get around it I just don't know what language to program in. Any advice?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Ballston Lake, NY
    [>Scale -2] will offset 2 points of scale on the attack.

  3. #3
    Ikael's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Take a look at SWADE dragon stats. SWAT is special ability that is designed to reduce scale modifiers
    "Alright, you primitive screwheads, listen up: THIS... is my BOOMSTICK!" -- Ash Williams, Army of Darkness

    Post your SavageWorlds ruleset feature requests and issue reports here!

  4. #4
    That did it! Thank you, Mike, that was exactly what I was looking for!

  5. #5
    Is FGU supposed to apply needed Scale modifiers to Attack rolls automatically? I did a quick test with two NPCs and I couldn't see any modifiers in the rolls.

    Additional question, what is the needed syntax for setting up Size / Scale? I tried to find it from the wiki but couldn't find it.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Ballston Lake, NY
    FGU should do Scale modifiers for you. The size should be set in CT when the character is dropped into it. I'd verify the size is correct first.

    The syntax for the size ability on an NPC sheet is
    Size 4 (Large)
    You can use size keywords instead, like
    [CODE]Size Large[\CODE]
    but it’s better to use the Size number, since this affects automated combat rolls.

    If you're adjusting size in CT, use this
    [CODE][Size =4][\CODE]
    [CODE][Size +2][\CODE]

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