1. #1361
    Quote Originally Posted by Jelk View Post
    The new Tracker definitely looks great.
    The game went pretty well yesterday as we tested a lot of mechanics.
    One issue we had is with the combat tracker.

    I see on your screenshot that you have the same. You cannot use the "Next Actor" button and you have the flag with the "?" on it which means I could not, once it happen, attribute the turn to anyone.
    Once this shows up, trying to give anyone the "turn" flag modifies their init.
    From the testing I done it seems that this happens as soon as i click once on Next Actor. After this this happen everytime.
    After more testing i was thinking it might ask you for which PC gets the turn, for example, but it acts inconsistently and the init modification seems weird.

    This is the main issue we had, appart from this everything went well.

    I am not sure if I understood what you explained, but there are two things:

    - Currently only the GM can click on the "?" icons, to confirm the beginning of a PC/NPC turn (I am going to improve that soon, allowing PCs to click "?", if the turn is supposed to be for a PC)
    - The actors switching places is not an error. It is the way I implemented how genesys/star wars handles initiative.

    I was going to try to explain this here, but I think it would sound more confusing, so instead I will record a video explaining it better.

    Maybe I misunderstood what you said, but I am interested to see, maybe it is a bug
    Last edited by johniba; April 11th, 2021 at 12:37.

  2. #1362
    Thank you for those explanations, I tested it right now with what you said and it does work as advertise.
    This is better than I expected and a great way to implement it.

    The more I use the setting, the more I enjoy it.

  3. #1363
    Quote Originally Posted by johniba View Post
    Hi Xarax, glad to see you managed to fix your issue.
    If you remember the settings you changed, and if you could let me know I would be glad, maybe it is something I can fix to avoid that happening again.

    Now regarding the skills you mentioned, I will see if I can add that feature in today's release later...
    There were a pair of extensions that were being used, one was a custom one I had made using old code and the other was (I think) one that you our Sevrick made for Android. I had both of them running simultaneously but when I got rid of them both, there were no more problems with the critical hit chart. I didn't try to add a second one to see if it auto added the +10 to the next roll but it seemed to work. As I mentioned after that though the new NPCs created no longer had the setting skill set anymore. Excited for the next update and the new combat tracker looks great!

  4. #1364
    Quote Originally Posted by Xarax View Post
    There were a pair of extensions that were being used, one was a custom one I had made using old code and the other was (I think) one that you our Sevrick made for Android. I had both of them running simultaneously but when I got rid of them both, there were no more problems with the critical hit chart. I didn't try to add a second one to see if it auto added the +10 to the next roll but it seemed to work. As I mentioned after that though the new NPCs created no longer had the setting skill set anymore. Excited for the next update and the new combat tracker looks great!
    Ahhh I see! Yes those extensions for android, terrinoth, keyforge will break the critical system as it is now.
    I will have to remove them, and also put some warning not to use them anymore.

    I will wrap up some updates I am doing, and I will also enable the new Setting system, and see if I can upload today

  5. #1365
    I am now going back over the Genesys Libraries and updating them to bring them more in line with the changes. As far as the critical hit extensions if Johniba has developed a better way they could be deleated so as to avoid problems.
    Last edited by sevrick; April 11th, 2021 at 17:07.

  6. #1366
    @Sevrick @Johniba you guys are the best! Thanks so much for all your hard work to make our games awesome!

  7. #1367
    Started playing a game and notice the character sheets have Morality but Conflict is missing.

    Also I think it would be helpful to give talents Subtypes. This would come in handy if someone wanted to tag their talents as Defense, Offensive, Social, etc. That way you could filter out the sea of talents to all applicable to your current situation.

    Small complaint the Label "Name" is in all caps on character sheets.
    Last edited by sevrick; April 11th, 2021 at 22:42.

  8. #1368
    Quote Originally Posted by sevrick View Post
    Started playing a game and notice the character sheets have Morality but Conflict is missing.

    Also I think it would be helpful to give talents Subtypes. This would come in handy if someone wanted to tag their talents as Defense, Offensive, Social, etc. That way you could filter out the sea of talents to all applicable to your current situation.

    Small complaint the Label "Name" is in all caps on character sheets.
    I will be adding later those missing fields.

    I will also check about those other items you mentioned

    EDIT: I fixed here NAME to Name... it will be available when i release the next version
    Last edited by johniba; April 12th, 2021 at 00:13.

  9. #1369
    Version 2021-04-11

    Unless mentioned, the fix or improvement is for both Genesys and Star Wars.

    -- Character/NPC sheet: Abilities tab -> Weapons: added header for weapon list

    -- Character/NPC: message when entering or exiting a vehicle is more descriptive ("Joe: Entered Millenium Falcon")

    -- Combat Tracker: lots of improvements!
    For the GM combat tracker there are a lot of new features:
    - When an NPC o Character is in a vehicle, you can now see the vehicle info.
    - For NPCs, there is also an easy way to roll for vehicle skill check, or even use one of the vehicle's weapons.
    (I will be adding the npcs weapons later too...)
    For now the Player's version of the combat tracker will only display player stats (no npc stats for players to see) but I will implement some new stuff later

    -- Genesys: Setting database
    GMs can now create their own Setting(s), and list the available skills. When a player creates a new character, they will be given the option to select either the Default skills, or one of the Settings available.
    That will populate the character sheet with the skills.

    Players can also drag and drop one of the Settings from the settings database into their character sheet, which will also acomplish the same.

    If no Setting is available, Genesys ruleset will behave like before, and just populate the character sheet with the default skills

    P.S.: Currently if you have a vehicle with critical damage, instead of removing the critical damage from the Character sheet's Vehicle tab, make sure to open the vehicle record (from inventory), and deleting the critical from there.
    I will be fixing this soon
    Other info from the vehicle, like strain, hull damage, you can edit like normal, from the tab.
    P.S.2: Genesys ruleset no longer requires the extensions we created for Terrinoth, Android, Keyforge...
    Those are obsolete, and if you are using, disable them from your campaign.
    (Keeping them enable will not cause any issues with the new ruleset versions, they will not be used if enabled though)

    As always, you can download the updates here:

    Updated files:
    - Genesys.pak
    - StarWarsFFG.pak

    Always remember to download BOTH rulesets if you intend to use Star Wars


    New Setting creation:

    Character creation, if there is one of more Settings available:


    New combat tracker:


    With the current implementation of vehicles in the combat tracker, although I still have a lot to improve and add stuff there (and I am already working on them)
    now my priority will be:

    - Finish implementing Morality, Duty etca and add the missing fields to the character sheets
    - Improve the Party Sheet (and also add ways for the GM to handle Duty, Morality etca from there!)
    - I will also add Party Vehicles, and also enable finally players to share vehicles, and even multicrew

    I am also testing the possibility to add Vehicle Tokens to the combat tracker!
    Last edited by johniba; April 11th, 2021 at 23:49.

  10. #1370
    Hey Sevrick

    Please take a look at the new "Setting" database from the notes above.

    I think it would be really cool if you could add some to the libraries you created for Genesys, like for example add the Terrinoth setting to the terrinoth database, and also then the ones to android, keyforge to each one...

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