1. #1

    LF 1 or 2 player(s). bi-weekly saturday evenings, D&D 5e


    I recently had to kick a player that wasn't showing up to sessions, and I would prefer having 1 additional player. I'm running D&D 5e on FG Unity, and we use Microsoft Teams for audio chat. I supply all paid/licensed content. At this time, we are playing every other Saturday evening. That will likely change as warmer weather comes along and people have more social things to do on Saturday nights.

    I'm looking for 1 or 2 players that can take a pre-rolled character and run with it. I need front-line combatants, and have several that can be chosen from. My DM style is primarily 'railroad', as this story arc has definite goals. The party is currently 6 players, all 3rd level.

    Yes, this is a large group. The point of having 7 or 8 players is that if I can get most of the group together, we can play. That's a lot harder to do when you have a small group. Most of the core of this group has been playing together for a very long time. I would prefer adult players.

    Let me know.

    FYI - we are in Central time, USA
    Last edited by Splatter; March 28th, 2021 at 05:56. Reason: update

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Splatter View Post

    I recently had to kick a player that wasn't showing up to sessions, and I would prefer having 1 additional player. I'm running D&D 5e on FG Unity, and we use Microsoft Teams for audio chat. I supply all paid/licensed content. At this time, we are playing every other Saturday evening. That will likely change as warmer weather comes along and people have more social things to do on Saturday nights.

    I'm looking for 1 or 2 players that can take a pre-rolled character and run with it. I need front-line combatants, and have several that can be chosen from. My DM style is primarily 'railroad', as this story arc has definite goals. The party is currently 6 players, all 3rd level.

    Yes, this is a large group. The point of having 7 or 8 players is that if I can get most of the group together, we can play. That's a lot harder to do when you have a small group. Most of the core of this group has been playing together for a very long time. I would prefer adult players.

    Let me know.

    FYI - we are in Central time, USA
    I'm free Saturday nights and am looking for a game. I took a year long break and am eager to get back into the game. I got licences for both Classic and Unity with most of the supplement books. I would have to check with you as to what's in/out.

    I'm also on Discord. (Tsriel#5234)

  3. #3
    Hello Tsriel

    I'll probably have to re-install my Discord. It got really pissed when I installed a new Java JDK for work. We'll see.

    As for the game, as I mentioned, I'm looking for some front-line combatants. The characters are pre-rolled, with some background already. What you do with it from there is up to you, as long as you stay within the general guidelines. Those guidelines are that the party is employed by the Lord's Alliance to be regional troubleshooters / enforcers, and to be an extension of the law. Alignments are all good-based.

    Finn - Human Bard - college of swords. Human Calishite
    Grunyl - Dwarf Paladin (un-specialized)
    MRass - Tibaxi Rogue swashbuckler / spy (this is a fun character)
    Viktor - Cavalier fighter - Human (Damaran)
    Bethalas - half-elf Ranger

    Let me know if this sounds appealing. Our next game is scheduled for April 10th and I'd like an opportunity to work with you on character introduction and customization.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Splatter View Post
    Hello Tsriel

    I'll probably have to re-install my Discord. It got really pissed when I installed a new Java JDK for work. We'll see.

    As for the game, as I mentioned, I'm looking for some front-line combatants. The characters are pre-rolled, with some background already. What you do with it from there is up to you, as long as you stay within the general guidelines. Those guidelines are that the party is employed by the Lord's Alliance to be regional troubleshooters / enforcers, and to be an extension of the law. Alignments are all good-based.

    Finn - Human Bard - college of swords. Human Calishite
    Grunyl - Dwarf Paladin (un-specialized)
    MRass - Tibaxi Rogue swashbuckler / spy (this is a fun character)
    Viktor - Cavalier fighter - Human (Damaran)
    Bethalas - half-elf Ranger

    Let me know if this sounds appealing. Our next game is scheduled for April 10th and I'd like an opportunity to work with you on character introduction and customization.
    I'd be down for playing that dwarf paladin, Grunyl. I like playing dwarves.

  5. #5
    sent you a request in Discord

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