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  1. #11

    So according to this article, Paradox has given approval to Onyx Path to publish more (WhiteWolf) content for VTTs. This is a good sign, in my opinion.

  2. #12
    GregRex's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Excellent news! Thanks for sharing

  3. #13
    Excellent news indeed, don't hesitate to comment on it to show our interest.

  4. #14
    GregRex's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Now maybe we have a properly converted chronicle for purchase on the FG store

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by GregRex View Post
    Now maybe we have a properly converted chronicle for purchase on the FG store
    We're one step closer anyway. We will still have to wait and see what is allowed officially. But, good news is still good news.

  6. #16
    I hope that means we'll see Chronicles of Darkness stuff coming out for FG too. I REALLY love Changeling the Lost and would love to be able to play it here.

  7. #17
    There is so much material out there already for so many different product lines. Who knows what could pop up next.

  8. #18
    wonder if there is anyone that plans to do the rules of the storyteller system at all. like the anniversary ones, such as the V20, both darkages and masquerade, along with Werewolf, changling, hell wouldn't mind even Exalted as well. but not sure if that is in the works or if anyone has the rights to do them. but if they did i know that i would love get that system on Fantasy grounds

  9. #19
    Valyar's Avatar
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    Mar 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by ptchicuorka View Post
    wonder if there is anyone that plans to do the rules of the storyteller system at all. like the anniversary ones, such as the V20, both darkages and masquerade, along with Werewolf, changling, hell wouldn't mind even Exalted as well. but not sure if that is in the works or if anyone has the rights to do them. but if they did i know that i would love get that system on Fantasy grounds
    I think they will not license those for various reasons. There are fan-made rulesets and game systems in other VTT, but I think the light of day (pun intended) will be seen only by V5 and the other products from the new product lines.

    And for me, lacking the old editions is not a problem, I already missed years and thousands page of content and new timeline and fresh start that VtM 5e provided is excellent. What is actually the problem is the release pace on VTT. We have seen that the new corporate and copyright machine puts every release to a crawl or even slower pace. So the future is not bright until the publishers realize what things changed and VTT is factor they have to consider.
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  10. #20
    Paradox is sadly focusing on computer games and not TTRPG which was expected as this is their core business.
    It has become even worse now that they have stopped the TTRPG licensing to third parties, taking it back to WoD and putting Justin Achili at its head.
    We can only hope that this move towards Onypath is the good one for us TTRPG fans (at least for VTT to start with).
    I feel the WoD TTRPG community is too silent compared to the rest and this is why there is no interest / priority. Paradox is a big company with a Marketing department and if we remain too silent we will simply be ignored. We must show them that there is money to be made to trigger corporate interest in investing in this area of the business.
    Last edited by Naurthoron; February 14th, 2021 at 09:39.

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