Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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Thread: New to CC ...

  1. #11

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    Jacksonville, FL
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noonien View Post
    Thx ,and PDf downloaded and read

    New Question:
    Is there a way that I can edit the players handbook or parts of it ?
    For example I want to translate abilities, so that the people in our group can read in diffrent language.
    Per policy, all "rulebooks" (they're called "reference modules" in FG lingo) are read-only and reference manuals are static by nature anyway, so you wouldn't be able to edit that. However, you could make local copies of each class by opening the master Classes window, grab a class and drop it right back into that window. The new copy will be editable so you can change the language there. (That's true of all record types, and that's how all bestiaries are intended to be used by GMs to create encounters.) You could then export (either with the export button or the /export chat command) as a Player Module that your players would be able to load themselves and use that in lieu of the Players Handbook.

  2. #12
    Got it thx.

    New question:
    When attacking with Spell, in DD5E I had a damage symbol and attack roll for my spells that I could drag and drop to opponent on map.
    Do I need to do spell damage and attack in C&C totally manually, so roll damage and then master to add it to wounds ?

  3. #13
    JohnD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noonien View Post
    Got it thx.

    New question:
    When attacking with Spell, in DD5E I had a damage symbol and attack roll for my spells that I could drag and drop to opponent on map.
    Do I need to do spell damage and attack in C&C totally manually, so roll damage and then master to add it to wounds ?
    The C&C ruleset is not so feature rich as the 5e ruleset (or the AD&D Classics ruleset). As a work around, you can make any damage dealing spell a "weapon" on your Combat tab (for a PC) or in the list of attacks (for an NPC) and work it that way.
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    - John Diefenbaker

    RIP Canada, February 21, 2022

  4. #14
    Thx a lot. No need to do this, my group and me love it that not everything is fully automated.
    For us, C&C is in only 1 week more fantasy rpg than 5e in 1 year
    What i have notices from the very 1st hour on when we started creating the chars, the players identify much more with their chars than they ever did in 5e.
    Feels much closer for us to pen&paper DD BECMI than playing DD5e.
    For us, it seems C&C is the right choice.

    More questions to come ...

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