1. #1
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    Let's Play Some DCC! Shadow of the Beakmen - Sat Jan 23, 1-5 PM EST (UTC-5)

    Greetings gamers!

    You are hereby invited to join me for an afternoon of Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG. No experience necessary. I can't think of a better way to spend a few hours on a cold January day! I have an Ultimate license so players can join with the free demo license. Pre-generated characters will be available, or you can bring your own. This game will also feature some of the VTT accessories offered by Goodman Games.


    DATE: Saturday, January 23, 2021
    TIME: 1-5 PM EST (UTC-5)
    NO. PLAYERS: 4 to 8
    LEVEL: 1
    VOICE CHAT: Discord

    Towering obelisks stab the sky. Monstrous knights with blazing lances prowl the night. Huts burn, and entire villages are taken as slaves to be fed darksome pits. The cries of terror and panic give the horrors a name: the Beakmen have come.

    But you are no mere peasant or serf, cowering the in the dark. You and your companions are reavers, with bloodied blades and spells wrenched from the dreams of demons. You stride through chaos while others flee, turning your steps towards the great stone obelisk, the source of the beakmen and their alien magics.

    Whether for the cause of justice or merely to acquire these strange blazing weapons for you own, tonight there shall be an accounting: a blazing brand thrust into The Shadow of the Beakmen.

    Originally released for DCC Day 2020!

    Post here, send me a private message, or contact me on Discord (leozelig#0361) if interested...

  2. #2
    I would be interested in playing.

  3. #3
    leozelig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackscribit View Post
    I would be interested in playing.
    Awesome, blackscribit, welcome to the game! We now have 4 players. I’m hoping for a couple more to buffer against any late cancellations.

    Send me a message on Discord (leozelig#0361) when you get a chance - we will use one of the audio channels on the Fantasy Grounds server for voice chat, and it’s easier for pre-game communication.

  4. #4
    I tried sending a dm, but it bounced. My discord handle is parminian#8051.

  5. #5

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackscribit View Post
    I tried sending a dm, but it bounced. My discord handle is parminian#8051.
    Weird... I got your friend request so that works!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by otepfreak555666 View Post
    how do i join
    Just like that

    Message me on Discord (leozelig#0361), which we will use for voice chat and pre-game communication. Up to 5 or 6 now, max is 8.

  8. #8
    leozelig's Avatar
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    I think we have 6 players now (room for 2 more). If you want to play, send me a message on Discord if you haven't already (leozelig#0361). I had trouble with the pre-gen character sheets from the Goodman Games website, so here is another link if you want to look at them. Screenshot shows them in FG. The elf and thief are female, which is hard to tell from the portrait, but I have both male and female portraits and tokens for each if that matters to you. You can also roll up your own character if you prefer, as long as it's ready to play within 10 minutes of our start time.

    character selection.jpg

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