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Thread: Effects Lists

  1. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by Littlerogue View Post
    Hi ! New player here, and i struggle to import the list of effects. The second post suggest to import .xml files as characters but it seems that it isn't working ...
    See post #3. You download these files and then select the PC button in FG and then the import button to import them as if they were a PC. The info will be contained in the "Character Sheet".
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  2. #92
    Hi, I've read through this thread from top to bottom, imported the .xml file, but then still get stuck on what to do next? Do I drag and drop onto my character sheet? Do I create a whole new character with all the effects? What happens if one multi-classes? It just seems that while the potential is fantastic, and those who understand the system can use it to great effect (pun intended), I'm just not able to put together the steps to bring this into my games. For instance, when I add a new effect and right click, I don't see "Use" as an option, so I'm flummoxed how to get to the screen shots shown several times with a "Use" ability window. I see a bunch of videos for DnD, but I'm not making the leap to SF easily there either. I hate to sound whiny, but is there any help out there?

  3. #93
    Quote Originally Posted by Flyteach View Post
    Hi, I've read through this thread from top to bottom, imported the .xml file, but then still get stuck on what to do next? Do I drag and drop onto my character sheet? Do I create a whole new character with all the effects? What happens if one multi-classes? It just seems that while the potential is fantastic, and those who understand the system can use it to great effect (pun intended), I'm just not able to put together the steps to bring this into my games. For instance, when I add a new effect and right click, I don't see "Use" as an option, so I'm flummoxed how to get to the screen shots shown several times with a "Use" ability window. I see a bunch of videos for DnD, but I'm not making the leap to SF easily there either. I hate to sound whiny, but is there any help out there?
    I understand how you feel because I felt the same way when I started GMing SF. I will try to help but others here may have better suggestions. The examples on page 3 of this thread are very helpful. The language that FG uses to automate effects is similar but not always exact between rulesets. This means that you can search how to do something in another ruleset and it will probably work. It's also important to remember that the SF ruleset is evolving into a more powerful ruleset as the Developers add functionality. The XML effects that you imported as PCs are to be used as an example. Create a new PC and refer to the XML PC to see if an Effect can be automated. Sometimes even though the example says you can't automate an effect you really can now because of an improvement to FG or an extension has been created to provide that ability.

    Start slow and replicate some basic effects using the page 3 examples. Use the "Actions" tab to create categories of the PCs abilities that can be automated.
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  4. #94
    Ulric, thanks for the reply. I'm still confused about what to do with those imported effect PCs. And I supposed to just duplicate that functionality? Drag and drop? I'm not currently looking to create new ones, there's a bunch of what appears to be good ones already done in those XML files, just not understanding how to use what's already in the wild. Maybe I'm not clear on what the purpose of those XML PC files really is?

  5. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by Flyteach View Post
    Ulric, thanks for the reply. I'm still confused about what to do with those imported effect PCs. And I supposed to just duplicate that functionality? Drag and drop? I'm not currently looking to create new ones, there's a bunch of what appears to be good ones already done in those XML files, just not understanding how to use what's already in the wild. Maybe I'm not clear on what the purpose of those XML PC files really is?
    Just Duplicate the on a new CS. They are simply a guidebook. I agree there should be some Starfinder videos. I do not have the time to make one.
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  6. #96
    Ulric, thanks. I just wasn't sure what to do. I certainly appreciate your time in helping me out. Hopefully I'll get more up to speed, but this will let me use more of the tool while playing and I love that about FG.

  7. #97
    Anyway to have a damage type based bonus to saves?
    Ex: Battle Medic Theme, 6th level feature: Exposure Immunity. Gives +1 to Fortitude save vs poison and diseases
    I want to create an effect for this, else I always forget my +1 bonus...
    Exposure Immunity; SAVE: 1, fortitude [damage type] <-- is that in place?

    I use a lot the list of effects found on page 3 of this thread. Was it updated recently?
    Last edited by mcharbon72; January 24th, 2021 at 20:54.

  8. #98
    No mcharbon72, there is currently no way to automate that kind of interaction (as far as I know).
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  9. #99
    Maybe once the new effects engine gets built, but the SW developers have a lot on their plates.
    aka Laendra

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  10. #100
    I'm probably going to get yelled at for this, but have the effects on the .xml's been updated for Unity or are no updates required; use as-is?

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