Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #1

    Traveller Features wanted

    Hi Folks,

    I've noticed people post onto my ToDo list, I should have locked that thread (and might do) as it was a way for me to broadcast what I was working on and in what order. But with the Core Rulebook, Central Supply Catalogue and High Guard now in general release I would like to know what features people want next.

    So what I plan to do is compile them here in this thread and then if people vote them up they'll go up the list and in each update I'll try and get at least one feature done, and if possible, the one at the top.

    How's that sound?

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: to see what I'm up to!

  2. #2
    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: to see what I'm up to!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Tarpon Springs, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by MadBeardMan View Post
    Hi Folks,

    I would like to know what features people want next.

    So what I plan to do is compile them here in this thread and then if people vote them up they'll go up the list and in each update I'll try and get at least one feature done, and if possible, the one at the top.

    Does a how to series of videos count as a feature? If so as step by step guide how to do combat and then the same thing for ship to ship using the new released tools would be on my list.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Sylvesr View Post
    Does a how to series of videos count as a feature? If so as step by step guide how to do combat and then the same thing for ship to ship using the new released tools would be on my list.
    Well that would require me to invest in some software and a lot of time, I did setup a KoFi page for that, but not sure on the rules for promoting it.
    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: to see what I'm up to!

  5. #5
    Maybe add a second name slot to NPCs or the ability to hide their actual name. I am making NPC guards with different weapon / armor loadout and name them appropriately but don't want the players to see that. Or if I make a new creature I don't want them to see its actual name right away. Something along these lines could be useful (Not sure how much work it would be).


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Xargun View Post
    Maybe add a second name slot to NPCs or the ability to hide their actual name. I am making NPC guards with different weapon / armor loadout and name them appropriately but don't want the players to see that. Or if I make a new creature I don't want them to see its actual name right away. Something along these lines could be useful (Not sure how much work it would be).

    This is implemented in FG, for example in DnD5e - ID button and field "Non-ID Name" in sheet of NPC. It is necessary that MBM added this for NPC as in Items
    Last edited by Serg Barbeau; December 18th, 2020 at 10:01.

  7. #7
    I'll repost my suggestion here in case you go through an clean up the To-do thread.

    Subfields for Inventory items. So you can attach things like Self Sealing to Vacc Suits or Self Assembly for Tents. And for the game to be smart enough to respect these grouping, so you can drop them into the Party Sheet and give them to players as a Whole Item.
    Then MadBeardMan said that he has been thinking about how to do this, and wants the solution to also include the different consuamble different ammo for ammos.

  8. #8
    Space Accountant Support.
    This is a design philo I try to keep when I work on my own projects, is to limit the amount of exterior/out of program items you need to use. Every time you have to use something else, it makes using the core item, hard/awkward to use.
    You could use the in game notes but the text interface in FG to me at least, isnt great for something like this. And a lot of Traveller folks who are keen to this aspect make a spreadsheet.

    So what I mean by Space Accountant is tracking the Partys Cash on Hand, their Income, Expenses and Payout. The ability to archive the Active Tab into History.

    So for the Active Month tab. Something like.

    Field for Cash on Hand.

    Static Expenses section
    Field for;
    Ship Weekly Maintenance
    NPC Crew Cost: (Maybe this should have diffrent fields for each NPC. Name - Job - Salary) Or maybe its best just to have total cost entered here. The NPC willb e recorded elsewhere.)
    Static Expense Total: This tabulates the above fields.

    Expenses Section
    Fields for;
    Docking Berth:
    Docking Per Day:
    Expenses Total: (Tabulates the above fields to a final total)

    Income Section:
    Fields for;
    Passengers: (Maybe break this up for High, Low ect)
    Freight: (Maybe broken down by type too?)
    Gigs: (This field is for the quests that Traveller do)
    Misc. :
    Income Total: (Tabulates the above fields to a final total)

    Speculative Trading:
    Cargo Bought: (This tabulates the Cargo items Price Paid for For)
    Cargo Sold: (This tabulates the Cargo items Price Sold)
    Cargo Net Profit: (This subtracts Cargo Bought from Cargo Sold)
    Cargo Held:
    So this would be more involved than the rest.
    An entry for each cargo.
    Cargo Name - Tons Held - Price Paid For - Base Price - Illegal?

    Now it would be great if possible, if there was a button you can click on the Cargo Held to transfer it to the second section.

    Cargo Sold.
    Cargo Name - Tons held - Price Paide For - Base Price - Price Sold - Illegal

    And it would be great if the Cargo Sold had a button to move these items to the above second, Cargo Held.

    Section for Profit:
    Gross Profit: This field would tabulate from the Total Income field and the Cargo Sold field.
    Net Profit: This Field would add the Static Expenses + Exenses Total and subtract that from Income Total plus Cargo Net Profit Field

    Final the section is Payout.
    This may need to be a text field? As Pay Out for the Player is an open ended discussion and can be complex or simple. Though most games from what I can tell do some sorta Shares from Net Profit. This may need a poll from the community to discuss how this section could work.

    Now it would be really great, if this Active Tab can be archived into a Previous Month Income on a seperate tabl. Zero Out the fields, except for Cash On hand, and Static Expenses.
    If that Previous Month tab could copy the Active tab and make it all contained in one collopasable field to make that section much easier to navigate.
    Last edited by MrWigggles; December 18th, 2020 at 17:26.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by MrWigggles View Post
    Space Accountant Support. ....
    As a chartered space accountant, responsible for balancing the books of our Pirates of Drinax campaign, I wholeheartedly endorse Mr. Wiggles’ suggestion.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by MrWigggles View Post
    Space Accountant Support. .
    I wholeheartedly agree, but as an optional form/tab in case the players/gm decide to use the wealth/abstract system vs a nitty-gritty detailed system.

    It could be done like an inventory list (negative amounts meaning debt or payments) and have an indicator of which currency the money is in ie MCr, KCr, Cr, SWCr, ZhoCr etc.
    You would have a flag for asset/expense and another flag for time period.
    A popup form that sum's up the type of expense for a time period and applies it against an asset (with an exchange rate) would be nice but totally unnessary.

    This would also allow the rules for different port types and equipment costs to be mechanically handled by the system (rules found in the MGT2 Companion)

    A whole adventure could be trying to find a money changer/money launderer to convert one currency to the next.

    This would also give a place for things like Ship Shares, Interstellar Stock Exchange Shares etc.

    I would pay extra for this kind of support.

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