5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by iiivsion View Post
    Sorry it took me so long. I tested it and it is a great start. I even used it for one evening of my Enemy in Shadows Campaign I am running at the moment. So I would say, to manage you module, chars and run a game it is fully usable (as long as you do not insist on using full combat tracker, which I don't).
    Some next nice to haves would be
    - Advanced Skills as a list instead of single lines (don't get me wrong, I also have no idea how this is done, just stating what my players said would be their greatest new features :-).
    - Doubleclick on Skill Values should also launch a d100 roll
    - Roll telling your successes (I already read that code in Warhammer 2nd edition, but there is a trick involved to push the expected Value into the roll mechanic which was like higher magic to me, not sure if it can be done easily with morecore)
    - Like in MoreCore, if the "weapon damage roll text" could be rollable would also be neat. Perhaps under Weapon add the original "Attack" Line from morecore baserules again as "Current Weapon". You could then write >>Sword Damage 1d10+4<< in that line and it will even appear in Combat Tracker and you could double click to roll damage. It is a mighty magic line which can do some neat stuff.

    That all is absolutely nice to have. Thank you very much to ShakyLuigi and Wyrd for the great job!

    As for Roll20 and Foundry VTT official Warhammer 4th edition content:
    @Smiteworks: Did 7cubicles contact you on this? It would be gread if I could use the official adventures out of the box instead of typing my own version of the campaign summery as a module for my group. I understand may be they are missing some developers doing the "base" ruleset; but giving a signal to properly support it once in the future could help unite the different workstreams here...
    Thanks a lot for the feedback! It's nice to have ones work appreciated.
    And I really don't want to be that kind of guy, but I spent so many workhours (probably days) into this charactersheet I want to mention: That is all me.

    I will have a look at the things you mentioned, though I imagine a few of those things will be quite challenging.
    Right now I've just added the Characteristic frame in the NPC sheet, so it's easier to keep track of any NPC's you create. Just have to make it pretty

  2. #52
    damned's Avatar
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    Hi ShakyLuigi

    Id avoid the Attack Line.
    It will go away sometime.
    Just create it as a Damage Roll, /dbdamage or /damagedr or /damagedr4 etc

  3. #53
    Beyond doubt, this update is by far the most challenging and time consuming for me.
    But with good help from the good friends at this forum, I am happy to share with you another update to the extension:

    - Added dice rolling to all skills all well (advanced skills have not this feature yet)
    - Added results calculation in the chat for each roll for Characteristic and skill rolls.
    - Added a simple frame in the NPC sheet to keep track of the NPC characteristics (not been made pretty yet).


    Big thanks to Paul Pratt for letting me use his roll from his WH 2nd edt. ruleset. Without that, I don't think I ever would have managed to build a roll like that myself.
    Also thanks to frostbyte000jm for the coding videos he made. That helped me IMMENSELY with understanding how LUA works in FG.
    And thanks to damned for starting me off with his MoreCore videos, and general guidance.

    Speaking of damned, how would i create a Damage Roll? I still am lacking a bit of basic understanding of LUA.

  4. #54

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    is there damage reduction by armour or other things?
    Yes, there is. From at least two sources.

  6. #56
    I am only able to make Characteristics rolls, but not Skill rolls. Is there a way to do it? I may be missing something...

    Thanks in advance.

  7. #57
    damned's Avatar
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    Look at the /damagedr and /damagedr4 rolls.
    One damage is reduced by defense and the other by c4 fields
    See how they are put together - you might be able to use one exactly as is and apply the 2 DR sources to Defense or C4 or you might customise the roll to look at 2 sources.
    Create a new roll called /damagewh4 and Ill include it in the base MoreCore

  8. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by Pepor View Post
    I am only able to make Characteristics rolls, but not Skill rolls. Is there a way to do it? I may be missing something...

    Thanks in advance.
    It should just be double cliking the Skill, or dragging it to the chat.
    I don't really see any problem here.

    Maybe I uploaded the wrong file.
    Try this one.


  9. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by ShakyLuigi View Post
    It should just be double cliking the Skill, or dragging it to the chat.
    I don't really see any problem here.

    Maybe I uploaded the wrong file.
    Try this one.

    I have just checked it but I still can't. I also get a console error as soon as I open a created character sheet for the first time. I also get another error when I type any number in the T Characteristic.


  10. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by Pepor View Post
    I have just checked it but I still can't. I also get a console error as soon as I open a created character sheet for the first time. I also get another error when I type any number in the T Characteristic.

    Well, I am pretty sure the first error is because the T (Toughness) characteristic is empy when making a new sheet. So the code is trying to get a NIL value, which doesn't work.
    It wasn't gamebreaking error, so I haven't looked into to it yet.
    All those other yellow errors is because how I've anchored the objects and frames in the character sheet. Again, shouldn't be gamebreaking, but I think I have to have a look at it and make it a little prettier.

    I think I found the second error you mentioned. It has something to do with an idea I had about calulcationg corruption. But it isn't used at this moment, so shouldn't effect anything else.

    I just thought of something.
    I've made everything in FG Unity. Are you using Classic FG? May that have something to do with it? Can someone confirm/disconfirm this?
    Still it would be odd that everything works fine with the Charactersitcs, but not with Skills since they both go through basicaly the same process.

    Could you perhaps attach the console log after you've rolled one characteristic and one skill? It may help me in troubleshooting.

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