Starfinder Playlist
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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Tevinter Magister View Post
    Hello! I'd be interested in a Star Wars based campaign.
    I am learning FG's layout and a short campaign sounds perfect to me.
    Admittedly, I'm learning it only so I can later DM for a Dragon Age campaign later.

    Please message me at [email protected], or alternatively here. I'll likely respond to the e-mail quickly though.
    Thank you.
    Wonderful, I will certainty do so when arranging.
    Games Running:
    WePF Second Darkness (Pathfinder 1e)
    Raven's Purge - Saturdays (Forbidden Lands)
    SavageWorlds Sci-Fi Sundays (SWADE)
    Savage Worlds Gameday Thursdays (SWADE)

  2. #12
    Update: Still have some slots open! Sounds like Sunday nights are a favorite. Start time would be ~5pm USMDT (-6).

    7/10 Update: Game is now filled.

    If you are still interested, feel free to send me a message here, or on Discord SrB#1492 and we'll see if there's slots open at that point or at least keep your name in.

    Last edited by srbongo; July 10th, 2020 at 21:15. Reason: Recruiting closed.
    Games Running:
    WePF Second Darkness (Pathfinder 1e)
    Raven's Purge - Saturdays (Forbidden Lands)
    SavageWorlds Sci-Fi Sundays (SWADE)
    Savage Worlds Gameday Thursdays (SWADE)

  3. #13
    What time/area? EST here (Michigan). I have not played Star Wars yet, but I have Star Wars: EotE Core and like 5 other supporting books on the way in the mail.

    Fantasy Grounds Ultimate License
    Time Zone: US Eastern (-5 GMT)
    Games desired: Star Wars FFG, D&D5e, AD&D, Patfinder 3.5, Cyberpunk, Vampire, Heroes Unlimited, Rifts

  4. #14
    Hey jus wondering if these One shots are still going on?

  5. #15
    I would be interested in giving it a shot if you still have room

  6. #16
    Hi Im new to TTRPG but FFG Star Wars is what has really drew me into it. I am interested in playing whenever you have available space!

  7. #17
    Do you need any players still?

  8. #18
    Are you still running this game? I am interested in online gaming due to the pandemic, but I want to play star wars. I don't see these rules sets and I find it hard to purchase Fantasy Grounds when they don't have what I am looking to play and run. Sci Fi...

  9. #19
    Unfortunately this game's filled as of now. I've received some Discord friend requests (from some of you I assume). Feel free to say 'hi' there and I'll keep you in mind if the group changes! If you havn't added me on Discord, go ahead and do so: SrB#1492
    Games Running:
    WePF Second Darkness (Pathfinder 1e)
    Raven's Purge - Saturdays (Forbidden Lands)
    SavageWorlds Sci-Fi Sundays (SWADE)
    Savage Worlds Gameday Thursdays (SWADE)

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