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Thread: MGT2 Todo List

  1. #131
    Is Traveller 2300 going to be done? And if so what’s the time frame?

  2. #132
    Quote Originally Posted by Tytalan View Post
    Is Traveller 2300 going to be done? And if so what’s the time frame?
    Mongoose doesn't really have anything to provide before it goes to PDF so once it is released development will start as soon as MadBeardMan has an open slot. Since he's been itching to get going on it 2300 will probably jump the list to the front.

  3. #133
    Last news I heard was that it's likely to be released March in 2021. I've not received any pre-release info, no details nothing and as Mongoose is a very small company as soon as a PDF is finished, it's ready for sale. As Esmdev stated, I want 2300AD more than any other ruleset and will drop everything to get on it.

    Looking back at the 1E edition, it seems to me, to be book content, but ruleset wise nothing really different, so I assume 2E will be the same, and a rulebook text doesn't take long, though bottleneck at the moment is SmiteWorks (and Steam I think), hope that's resolved ny the new year.

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MadBeardMan to see what I'm up to!

  4. #134
    Something that I think is missing and will be even more urgent when ship combas is included is the absence of included ship tokens

    Or is there a easy and quick way create ship tokens using the ship image in core rule book module?

  5. #135
    Quote Originally Posted by Boldtaar View Post
    Something that I think is missing and will be even more urgent when ship combas is included is the absence of included ship tokens

    Or is there a easy and quick way create ship tokens using the ship image in core rule book module?
    Hi Boldtaar,

    Ship Tokens are already included for the Core Rulebook. In FGC they're under the Tokens -> MGT2 Core Rulebook.

    All content with Ships will have official tokens. To generate your own, drop the images into the Tokens folder and then drag them to the various ships.

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MadBeardMan to see what I'm up to!

  6. #136
    My bad
    I only saw the number-tokens on the first tab.
    Last edited by Boldtaar; November 22nd, 2020 at 11:54.

  7. #137
    A few suggestions:

    1. More tool tips pop ups in Fantasy Ground over all. Example: Effect, Modifiers, paint tools e.t.c

    2. Bigger portraits or option to click on portrait to open up a bigger version for better view.

    3. Player to player sharing PC info option.
    Suggestion: When a player right click on a other players PC portrait they can access a redacted PC sheet with information that other player has chosen to be public.

    4. Organize rulebooks images and token into folders. Example: ships and vehicles in separate folders.

    5. Create Traveller tools inside FG:
    Transit Time calculator
    Roll all cargo, trade gods, mail and passenger depending on destination
    UWP Decoder

  8. #138
    Quote Originally Posted by Boldtaar View Post
    A few suggestions:

    1. More tool tips pop ups in Fantasy Ground over all. Example: Effect, Modifiers, paint tools e.t.c

    2. Bigger portraits or option to click on portrait to open up a bigger version for better view.

    3. Player to player sharing PC info option.
    Suggestion: When a player right click on a other players PC portrait they can access a redacted PC sheet with information that other player has chosen to be public.

    4. Organize rulebooks images and token into folders. Example: ships and vehicles in separate folders.

    5. Create Traveller tools inside FG:
    Transit Time calculator
    Roll all cargo, trade gods, mail and passenger depending on destination
    UWP Decoder

    1. I'll add more tooltip when I see the need for them.

    2. & 3. I'll speak to SW about these.

    4. Good idea, nothing to do with the Traveller ruleset, this is base FGC/FGU - ask for it to be added in those forums, I really welcome this.

    5. There are plans for Cargo tools, these will be added once the ruleset supports the books or I find the time to do them sooner.

    The UWP Decoder, that's already supported in the System sheet.

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MadBeardMan to see what I'm up to!

  9. #139
    Hey MadBeardMan,

    Is there any way to stop duplicates from appearing in lists?
    For example, I have the CSC and Core Rules loaded and I get duplicate entries for equipment etc.
    Mongoose has a bad habit of having the same information in multiple sources, for example Bwaps are in both JTAS and the Companion. The Behind the claw material duplicates what is already in the adventures etc.
    It would be great if there was a way of getting only one entry showing up.
    Perhaps either separating out the various elements (npc's, worlds, equipment etc) into separate modules so they can be individually loaded or barring that, is there a way of buying an all in one module or subscription that contains everything in two sources - one for the player that can be shared, and one for the referee that does not duplicate anything in the players material but points to it and is not meant to be shared with players.

    I am willing to pay a subscription or repurchase the material to make the game simpler for myself and my players.

  10. #140
    Quote Originally Posted by Dalton Calford View Post
    Hey MadBeardMan,

    Is there any way to stop duplicates from appearing in lists?
    For example, I have the CSC and Core Rules loaded and I get duplicate entries for equipment etc.
    Mongoose has a bad habit of having the same information in multiple sources, for example Bwaps are in both JTAS and the Companion. The Behind the claw material duplicates what is already in the adventures etc.
    It would be great if there was a way of getting only one entry showing up.
    Perhaps either separating out the various elements (npc's, worlds, equipment etc) into separate modules so they can be individually loaded or barring that, is there a way of buying an all in one module or subscription that contains everything in two sources - one for the player that can be shared, and one for the referee that does not duplicate anything in the players material but points to it and is not meant to be shared with players.

    I am willing to pay a subscription or repurchase the material to make the game simpler for myself and my players.
    Hi Dalton,

    I'm with you on this.

    The only way is to limit those to a particular module is via the Group dropdown at the top of most windows.

    Splitting it out into all the various modules would be a lot of work and a bit of a nightmare supporting it and there's only so much time I can give. I'd advise that you carefully load as few modules as you can. It does work the other way, that players may need to remember to load multiple modules rather than 1 or 2.

    But let me think on this, you've had some great suggestions and I don't want to say no to anything if it makes playing the game easier. I'll speak with SW and see what suggestions they have.

    Now one other caveat. I've also noticed with some duplicated items that they differ slightly. As if the recent iteration has been updated,

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MadBeardMan to see what I'm up to!

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