5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #131
    Quote Originally Posted by esmdev View Post

    Today using the current release version of FGU/5E a player was creating a tiefling/warlock and completed the wizard through the spells section. They clicked the save button and generated an error.

    Attachment 40241

    Edit: Player also added that the wizard didn't close though the hover over button says Save & Close. Everything on the character did save despite the error and non-closing.
    Edit2: It did not apparently add the spells to the character sheet.
    You wouldn't happen to still have the uncropped version of that screentshot would you? I'm seeing some information from the top edge that could be useful.

  2. #132
    Hi. I was wondering if the Char Wizard is yet supporting lvl’ing existing characters now.
    I’m using FGU(Live)

    I can’t figure out how to choose ability score improvement and then choose what Stats to improve. I was lvl’ing a rogue from lvl 5 -> 6. And another lvl3 -> 4.
    Also how do you become ‘Expert’ on skills (double star). In the wizard.

  3. #133
    Quote Originally Posted by EllivasKram View Post
    Hi. I was wondering if the Char Wizard is yet supporting lvl’ing existing characters now.
    I’m using FGU(Live)

    I can’t figure out how to choose ability score improvement and then choose what Stats to improve. I was lvl’ing a rogue from lvl 5 -> 6. And another lvl3 -> 4.
    Also how do you become ‘Expert’ on skills (double star). In the wizard.
    Yes you can, the ASIs are chosen on the Feats page, but instead of selecting a feat you click the Ability Score Improvement button and then select one or two abilities to improve. They will appear on the Stats page when selected for a total of your ability score improvements, race adjustments and base ability scores.

    As far as rogue expertise you still have to do that after the wizard saves your character, but will be changed soon.

  4. #134
    Quote Originally Posted by FG_Wraith View Post
    You wouldn't happen to still have the uncropped version of that screentshot would you? I'm seeing some information from the top edge that could be useful.
    Sorry, that came from a player who only saved the original.

  5. #135
    Ok. I’ll have another try. Can you make it so it stops asking for RACE/Subrace and background. So the buttons just are not selectable.

    Should you be using the next/prev buttons ?

  6. #136
    Quote Originally Posted by EllivasKram View Post
    Ok. I’ll have another try. Can you make it so it stops asking for RACE/Subrace and background. So the buttons just are not selectable.
    That isn't intended. It shouldn't let you interact with race or background at all during level up.

    Quote Originally Posted by EllivasKram View Post
    Should you be using the next/prev buttons ?
    ...and this is why it is. I'll get this fixed so that next/prev check if they are in level up mode. Currently they aren't checking for a difference. Thanks for pointing this out.

  7. #137
    Forgive me if it's already been addressed.

    - I assume custom classes, background, and races are still not supported fully. Is it possible to add a notice of some sort? (Totally spent a couple hours tampering with things before reading up in the forums).
    - Are there plans to choose items based on class starting item choices?
    - Are there plans for Backgrounds to add to your inventory?

  8. #138
    Quote Originally Posted by Astrayalis View Post
    Forgive me if it's already been addressed.

    - I assume custom classes, background, and races are still not supported fully. Is it possible to add a notice of some sort? (Totally spent a couple hours tampering with things before reading up in the forums).
    - Are there plans to choose items based on class starting item choices?
    - Are there plans for Backgrounds to add to your inventory?
    Currently not all custom features made in GM mode are being read correctly by the character wizard. For the ones that are working you do need to hold to a very specific text format as set by the official races, classes, and backgrounds. I am working on making the character wizard pick up the custom text syntax, although I don't have an estimate on when that will be completed. As far as the inventory system goes I do want to improve the current inventory system and add it to the level up feature so that you can add items looted or purchased as you increase in level as well as the starting packages.

    Which of those were giving you problems in the character wizard, Classes, Backgrounds, or Races?
    Last edited by FG_Wraith; October 27th, 2020 at 03:41.

  9. #139
    Not keeping track of racial ability score increase, but I saw that that was addressed earlier
    Don't think custom special movements is working following this specific language "https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?48739-5e-Class-Background-Race-Feat-interpreted-strings"
    Oddly enough Copying Races and editing is a work around I've noticed for racial abilities (despite from scratch and copied having the exact same text)

    From Scratch Background will not register skills, Copied and Edited (Name and skills changed) Background will show still original set of skills

    I haven't quite gotten to this part. Not related to the wizard, but I'm still a bit confused as to how the base classes are set up. I would expect them to be comparable to races with archetype abilities attached to the archetype rather than the actual class, but I don't have the FG version of other archetype options to compare. Although I did notice that the base classes do not pass on Proficiencies from Archetypes (EX: Life Domain Cleric does not give heavy armor proficiency from the creation wizard)

  10. #140
    Quote Originally Posted by Astrayalis View Post
    Not keeping track of racial ability score increase, but I saw that that was addressed earlier
    Don't think custom special movements is working following this specific language "https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?48739-5e-Class-Background-Race-Feat-interpreted-strings"
    Oddly enough Copying Races and editing is a work around I've noticed for racial abilities (despite from scratch and copied having the exact same text)
    Yes, this is the big one I am fixing currently. I should have something soon on this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Astrayalis View Post
    From Scratch Background will not register skills, Copied and Edited (Name and skills changed) Background will show still original set of skills
    This is fixed but I am still testing to make sure it hasn't broken anything else.

    Quote Originally Posted by Astrayalis View Post
    I haven't quite gotten to this part. Not related to the wizard, but I'm still a bit confused as to how the base classes are set up. I would expect them to be comparable to races with archetype abilities attached to the archetype rather than the actual class, but I don't have the FG version of other archetype options to compare. Although I did notice that the base classes do not pass on Proficiencies from Archetypes (EX: Life Domain Cleric does not give heavy armor proficiency from the creation wizard)
    I will take a closer look at this and make sure it all works. As far as the additional proficiencies for archetypes or even leveling up for that matter it's not even in base official classes, yet. I've done some previous passes to enable some but not all. That, also, should be coming soon, though.

    Your reply helps me focus on what is seen most by you guys, so thank you very much.
    Last edited by FG_Wraith; October 27th, 2020 at 23:25.

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