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Thread: Bug: /identity

  1. #1

    Bug: /identity

    BUG: when using /identity command and accidentally typing a long sentence instead of a one or two word entry, you can no longer remove that identity; it stays in the list of identities. Even using /identity by itself will not remove it.

    Reproduce by typing /identity put yourself a really long sentence here



  2. #2
    Unity or Classic? Which rule set? D&D 5e?
    If you want a Wishlist in the Fantasy grounds store klick the link and upvote it.

  3. #3
    Identities can only be added using the /identity command. To remove, you need to activate the identity entry in the white bubble below the chat window by clicking on it; then using right click and selecting the Remove option from the radial menu.

    I just tested this with a multi-line name just to be sure.


  4. #4
    Yeah, Moon, that didn't work. Sorry about lack of precise data, but I've figured it out (right after posting of course):

    use /gmid to clear or alter an identity that won't clear normally.


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