Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Core Rulebooks Pre-Order
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  1. #1

    New DM LFP (18 Y/O +) New players preferred (small one time charge)


    My name is Kyle. I have really wanted to play D&D again and I've noticed that is very difficult to find games (paid options are usually lot) I decided that I would try to be a DM to help players like me find a game. I've only played a few times and tried to DM a few times with friends. Keep in mind that I am new. I plan to run 4 different concurrent Adventure League Modules and would like to get a consistent group to go through them all. The only charge I will assess is a $3 per module (4 modules) fee (total of $12). This is only to recoup the cost of buying the materials online. Please be kind to fellow players. I am not sensitive, nor a SJW, however I won't tolerate anyone being hateful. We will be using voice chat, and maybe one day video. Please be 18 years or older.

    Please if you are interested answer the following:


    D&D experience:

    What are you looking for from me as a DM:

    Type of gameplay you like (roleplay, combat, mix):

    Are you nervous or shy about playing:

    What interests you about the game:

    FG License: Standard
    Game System: D&D 5E

    Time Zone: PST/CST

    Day of week and time: Will discuss with group

    If new game, planned start date: 10/23

    Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly

    Term: Unknown. Want to run 4 Adventure League Modules

    Text or Voice: Voice

    Voice software used: Teamspeak or Discord

    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? At the beginning no (maybe one day)

    Roleplay & Combat mix: Both
    Number of Players in game & needed: 5
    Character starting level & equipment: 1 (PHB)
    Character restrictions: Only using PHB

    Details of your scenario: Will discuss. Adventure league Material.
    Last edited by Krunkle87; October 17th, 2020 at 05:11.

  2. #2
    If this is still open, I would be very interested in joining.

    Mike LaPointe

    D&D experience:
    35+ years off and on (I'm 47)

    What are you looking for from me as a DM:
    Reliability both in your dates/time of play and your ruling of the group

    Type of gameplay you like (roleplay, combat, mix):
    Mix but I am a little weak on the role-playing. I do not like changing my voice to play a character.

    Are you nervous or shy about playing:
    Not at all

    What interests you about the game:
    I enjoy the interaction between players and characters. I have been an avid reader my entire life. I enjoy bringing the stories to life.

    Time Zone:
    CST - I live in central Wisconsin

    Day of week and time:
    I am free the following days and times:
    6pm - 10pm CST but it could go longer

    I have Ultimate License of both Classic and Unity and several add-ons.

    I also have a character I have been working on all from the PHB.

  3. #3
    Name: Saber

    D&D experience: 2nd edition, 3.5 edition

    What are you looking for from me as a DM: understand you are new to DM, am willing to go with the flow.

    Type of gameplay you like (roleplay, combat, mix): mix

    Are you nervous or shy about playing: sounds like fun.

    What interests you about the game: I like the writing content of premade modules. I like having to think of things to say in character.

    Time Zone: Pacific Time

    Day of week and time: I prefer Saturday or Sunday so I'm thinking of work less.

  4. #4
    Are you planning a Session 0? I have a Halfling Fighter that I have created and I am having an issue getting the Halfling Luck to work.

    Also, judging by the other people I have seen respond, they want Friday - Sunday. Those days won't work for me because I already play on every other Friday night and I want to keep the weekend open for my family.

    Thank You,
    Mike LaPointe

  5. #5

    D&D experience:
    38 years off and on (I'm 48)

    What are you looking for from me as a DM:
    I would agree with Mike that reliability is a big factor, but someone who enjoys being a DM and is player/story-driven.

    Type of gameplay you like (roleplay, combat, mix):
    Roleplay is key, although combat is an essential part in giving depth, the sense of precarity it bring adds to the overall immersion. So a mix 70%RP 30% Combat would be ok with me

    Are you nervous or shy about playing:

    What interests you about the game:
    Developing a story and relationships, growing in power and having an impact on the meta of a world is deeply satisfying.

    Time Zone:
    Eastern Time - I live in Montréal, Quebec, Canada

    Day of week and time:
    I am free the following days and times:
    6pm - 10pm CST but it could go longer. I cana lso on weekends but that takes advanced knowledge ( I need to roll a diplomacy check)

    I have Ultimate License.



  6. #6
    Hello, I might not be at the highest level of experience but I'd be more than happy to take part in this.


    D&D experience:
    Minimal (played other systems, GURPS, Baldur's Gate 2 and 3 and a local D10 based DND spinoff) I'm 29, going to be 30 in one month.

    What are you looking for from me as a DM:
    Communicating with the rest of the party how you plan to handle us in terms of splitting off, possible conflict and "creative" solutions.

    Type of gameplay you like (roleplay, combat, mix):
    I am mainly a combat/problem solving player, and I have needed to be reeled in in terms of meta-language used. Trying to work on that. I usually play high int characters or idiot savants.

    Are you nervous or shy about playing:
    No, but I need to learn my fellow players' boundaries to riff off of each other

    What interests you about the game:
    I enjoy the make-believe aspect of the game, I have characters and stories in my mind I enjoy bringing to life and adapting to various situations.

    Time Zone:
    CET (central europe, but have a very big clinical sleeping disorder, I usually go to sleep at around 6 AM)

    Day of week and time:
    Generally every day of the week, I might have some issues on Fridays and Saturdays but I finish work at 21:00 CET which is usually early enough to keep up with US-based players.

    I can purchase any necessary material (within limits) and will create a character suited to the party roles (although due to my limited DnD experience I might need a little hand-holding at the start).
    Last edited by reekhadol; October 22nd, 2020 at 21:02.

  7. #7
    Name: Michael Britton

    D&D experience: 25ish years

    What are you looking for from me as a DM: Being a Veterian DM and player, in looking for someone to try their best. We all learn something mew each time we open one of the books and noone is perfect.

    Type of gameplay you like (roleplay, combat, mix): both

    Are you nervous or shy about playing: nope

    What interests you about the game: been playing since a child with my parents, all through high school, in the navy, and currently today. I am 30 will be 31 on NOV 4th

  8. #8
    Hello everyone! I am currently reading through everything now. I do travel for work so at times it is hard to respond. I just got home. I will go through each response and DM you within the next few days.

    Thank you,


  9. #9
    I'm assuming this group is dead

  10. #10

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