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  1. #21
    I did some tests in video form, using only the GURPS Ruleset, without any extension.
    In the video I will put a neutral token, a hostile token and an allied token.
    Grid and token will be locked, I will test the movement with the directional arrows on the numeric keypad.
    And the movement through the mouse, in the two positions of the hexagon.
    The video will be silent because I speak Portuguese and I believe that nobody would understand, but I believe that the video can illustrate the situation well, I will make the same video in Fantasy Grounds Classic to show the tool that changes the unit of measure and its value.
    The map is a simple 2048x2048 (72dpi) white jpg.
    I hope this can help everyone.

  2. #22
    The video was canceled because the measurement unit change is not working even in the classic version.

  3. #23

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    So, you are saying that on hex grids, the movement is correct; but targeting is still off sometimes?


    Just wondering if there are any updates to report?

    I've noticed that the range calculation remains buggy on my maps.

    Curiously when I move the various tokens to different locations on the map, the ranges will sometimes self-correct, and sometimes return to being inaccurate.

    Thanks for any updates if available at this time.

    Padre Moto
    GURPS 4th Edition, Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, Savage Pathfinder, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Classic D&D, 5e Essentials

    Ultimate License Holder

  5. #25
    Carl actually submitted fixes for several of the hex/iso distance calculation bugs already.

    Can you provide more detail and/or screenshots on what is still not working for you?


  6. #26
    I only have token movement problems when I use directional arrows, when I do this it does not move correctly to the next hexagon, however if I move using the mouse it moves correctly.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    Carl actually submitted fixes for several of the hex/iso distance calculation bugs already.

    Can you provide more detail and/or screenshots on what is still not working for you?


    I'm uploading the screen shots to show some of the differences in the calculated ranges between tokens that I haven't moved, and then a token that I do move. Hopefully this will help. Or perhaps I'm doing something wrong at my end.

    Padre Moto
    GURPS 4th Edition, Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, Savage Pathfinder, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Classic D&D, 5e Essentials

    Ultimate License Holder

  8. #28
    pindercarl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Padre Moto View Post

    I'm uploading the screen shots to show some of the differences in the calculated ranges between tokens that I haven't moved, and then a token that I do move. Hopefully this will help. Or perhaps I'm doing something wrong at my end.

    Padre Moto
    Thanks for the images, that cleared things up nicely. I was able to identify the issue and correct. This should be fixed in the next release.

  9. #29
    Thanks so much
    GURPS 4th Edition, Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, Savage Pathfinder, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Classic D&D, 5e Essentials

    Ultimate License Holder

  10. #30
    Thanks pindercarl

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