Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #191
    We tried again last night. They could connect to my server for a bit but then they would get kicked out. I wasn't losing any connection---our discord voice server was fine. We'd been fine for quite awhile on FG but now it's just not working for us. I'm attaching the logs from last night

  2. #192
    At least one person was running the wrong version (squirrelatwar), some of the logs were empty as if the program had been restarted a couple times (godfatherbrak/Palimpset). From the logs that looked like they happened during the actual disconnect event (only player logs available), it appears that once the GM server went down, then the players were kicked as expected.

    We're getting ready to push a new build this evening that makes it so that the GM machine and player machines will stay connected and online, even if they lose access to the network facilitation service for some reason. (A lost network facilitation connection will prevent new players from joining; but the upcoming change will allow everyone to stay connected and online while the GM machine attempts to reconnect to the service.)

    After the update, if you are still seeing the issue, please capture the logs immediately when the event happens, so that we can make sure to get the immediate data relevant to the disconnect.

    Also, double check that you do not have any Advanced Security features from your Internet provider that require authorization of external incoming connections; as well as any router or security software settings that may throttle traffic when it sees bursts (quality of service, ad blocking, parental control, etc.)


  3. #193
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    If you are using a VPN, then that creates an additional complication.

    Have you tried using the Cloud connection option? That should be figuring out the best path automatically for LAN or WAN connections.

    Yes, I tried tonight with players that can connect via my LAN connection, and for whatever reason, they can not find my game to connect to via Cloud. (do you need anything in the way of Logs? Or is this something you are already aware of and working on?) The two players who live in the same house were able to connect at the same time, but it was only for a short while (like a minute), and I had players that connected just fine last week, but couldn't connect this week. So I am thinking it is FGU as opposed to connection problems with either party. After we messed with trying to connect for about 45 minutes of game time, we went back to using FGC and didn't have any problems.


  4. #194
    How are the LAN users connecting to your campaign with Cloud mode on?
    They should still be using the Join Cloud Game option and using your FG user name; just like external users. (Not the Join LAN game option.)


  5. #195
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    How are the LAN users connecting to your campaign with Cloud mode on?
    They should still be using the Join Cloud Game option and using your FG user name; just like external users. (Not the Join LAN game option.)

    They connect via the LAN option, from the lobby. We have tried both public and private, using my GM name and my IP address. Since it has never found my game from the Cloud lobby, but they (mostly) connect right up using the LAN I haven't explored trying to figure out if there is a way to connect from the cloud lobby. I should also point out that I live in rural Texas and my internet connection is very close to still living in 1999 (lol). All my players can connect to my game (via LAN), I just haven't been able to get them all connected at the same time. If you have time and want to see what I'm talking about, we can see if you can connect to my board in FGcollege. Just shoot me a message here or my discord name is Badger#7622
    Last edited by delgondahntelius; October 16th, 2020 at 15:36. Reason: emoticons didn't show through on the forums

  6. #196
    Well Zacheuss and Kelrugem on FGcollege was helping out with this connection issue and as it turns out .... I'm an idiot I didn't know that when it says GM name that it wanted my FG forum name and not the name you choose for chat on FGU. This just goes to show you that it is probably a good idea to actually read the instructions, cause it most certainly helps you keep your hair a little longer (lol)

    So, now that players can find me on the cloud, I'll gather my players sometime today and see if they can all connect and hopefully these previous issues will be resolved. I will let you know how it all goes in a few hours


  7. #197
    Okay, been having this issue for near 4 weeks now and I would love some help. Out of 3 players in one game and 5 in another, 1 cannot connect (one of the 3 person game). This is the log I'm getting.

    [10/16/2020 10:48:35 PM] [WARNING] NETWORK: Noble Connect [132493]: Fatal socket exception: Interrupted
    at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.ReceiveFrom (System.Byte[] buffer, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 size, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags socketFlags, System.Net.EndPoint& remoteEP) [0x0003e] in <14e3453b740b4bd690e8d4e5a013a715>:0
    at NobleConnect.Peer.ReceiveFromApplication (NobleConnect.Bridge bridge, System.Net.Sockets.Socket socket, NobleConnect.PaddedBuffer buffer) [0x00031] in <e6c765ec0d35488c9ddcbe6425a26e20>:0
    [10/16/2020 10:48:35 PM] [WARNING] NETWORK: Noble Connect [132493]: Fatal socket exception: Interrupted
    at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.ReceiveFrom (System.Byte[] buffer, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 size, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags socketFlags, System.Net.EndPoint& remoteEP) [0x0003e] in <14e3453b740b4bd690e8d4e5a013a715>:0
    at NobleConnect.Peer.ReceiveFromApplication (NobleConnect.Bridge bridge, System.Net.Sockets.Socket socket, NobleConnect.PaddedBuffer buffer) [0x00031] in <e6c765ec0d35488c9ddcbe6425a26e20>:0
    Player does not use antivirus, uses the same isp as another player who does not have issue. Is an issue with cloud and with LAN.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Dostro; October 17th, 2020 at 07:58. Reason: players logs attached

  8. #198
    Thanks for the help! just to let you know, everyone was able to connect up via cloud and didn't really have any connectivity issues once everyone connected up. We did run across a few bugs, but overall was impressed with how well Unity did. I can't wait until they get all the goodies working

    Again thanks for your time!!


  9. #199
    Yesterday, I started a character creation session for a few members of the group. Using cloud for connectivity. One user, Vairgrim, got dropped a couple of times. I'm attaching the logs we got. I have two logs from him, one after each reconnect once we started tracking.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  10. #200
    It looks like the connection was blocked/disrupted in between your machines; especially since the player had established a direct connection to the GM machine according to the cloud facilitation server.

    Try checking to see if the player, Vairgrim, uses an ISP that does the Advanced Security option that can block external connections. Or see if they have any security settings on their security/firewall software that might block applications (especially with high traffic like when initial connections made) or maybe on their router as well.


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