Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1

    LFG 1 Player LF Weeknight Game Tue Wed or Thurs between 4PM and 10PM GMT 5E only

    FG License: I have Ultimate license
    Time Zone: I am in GMT +3 time zone
    Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: any day except Monday
    Term: For now I am looking for a one-shot
    Voice: Prefered with voice

    Game System Preferred: D&D 5E
    Game System Experience: D&D 5E
    Fantasy Grounds Experience: I've used FG for about 6 months now, mostly as a DM, so I have decent knowledge of how things work

    Character Type Preferred: Fighter, Barbarian, Druid, Monk, but I wouldn't mind trying other classes if needed. I would also like to play an Artificer, but I do not posses the module (I only have PHB bought in FG).
    About me: I am 28 years old guy from Romania. I started playing D&D about 2 years ago, being a player at first, then becoming a DM. I am a balanced player, I like all three aspects of the game and I don't shy away from role playing. I am looking for a relaxed group for a game with a fun, relaxed atmosphere (on which I can also contribute).

    I can play between 7PM and 1AM (in my timezone), so 4PM and 10 PM in GMT.
    Last edited by BogdanT; September 30th, 2020 at 22:47.

  2. #2
    Good day Bogdan … I'm Akash from India, I've been playing D&D for like, almost 18 months.
    I've played 'Lost mine of Phandelver' bit of a Human Fighter.
    This is the first time I'm trying online, i watched quiet lots of video about FG.
    Now, I'm looking of a group to play and get settled into the online mode....
    Oh... I'm a Demo player
    Last edited by AkashGuna; October 2nd, 2020 at 04:40.

  3. #3
    Hi Akash!

    Well, you seem to be looking for a DM so you can play as a PC. I wanted the same thing. Meanwhile I have found somone looking for players for a short campain and started playing with them.
    Keep looking and hopefully you will also find a group soon. Good luck!

  4. #4


    Just looking for someone who is an experienced GM who wouldnt mind running a Aliens or Zombie or what ever game so I could check this nifty program out.
    Restoration of bath coverings in Mytishchi

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