1. #1

    LFG 1 Player LF 5E Anytime on Tuesdays EST

    Hello, thank you for taking the time to read this. I am looking for a new D&D group, I've been developing a Kobold Barbarian character for awhile and I want to play him, but I don't feel my current group will be ready for a good while due to technical issues, if I'm lucky, in a good month and a half. Also, another reason is that most of the groups I've been in were on roll20, I've spent money on Fantasy Grounds so I'd like to use it more. So yes, I'm looking for another group. I'd like to mention that I have Fantasy Grounds Ultimate, so I don't think there is anything to worry about as far as invitations and so on is considered. I am familiar with fantasy grounds though, as midway with my main group at the time we switched from tabletop simulator to fantasy grounds, so I have months of experience in playing the game on fantasy grounds. I'm also mainly looking for 5e, but I am opened towards other systems like Pathfinder((Though the -4str for Kobolds thing is a turn off)), though I'd love to try out starfinder as well. I am perfectly able to do voice, and I usually prefer discord for chatting. I am looking for a game mainly taking place on Tuesdays, I can do any time a long as it starts past 10am and starts before 9pm. This is because I will be working soon and that is the only day I'll know I'll get off, though it won't be the only one, just the only confirmed one, so if I get another day I can play the game I'll let you know.

    So about me, in total I have been into D&D for a year, first staring in September of 2019, I have played in several groups and have played on roll20, tabletop simulator, and fantasy grounds. I'd say I'm into have a good blend combat and roleplay, around 50/50, but I can do more then the other if that's what the game is about, I also love some good humor in the game as humorous parts and actions tend to create fun memories, but I also do like to keep things serious and not too overboard. I have played Paladin, Fighter, Rogue, and Bloodhunter, and have played on different races, both ingame races and completly homebrewed ones. I am 22 years old and am perfectly good with mature themes and dark humor, though do keep in mind I am playing a male Kobold. Mature themes are not required though.
    Last edited by Limedragon27; September 28th, 2020 at 05:49.

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