5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #11
    Hi Xelab! Wonderful extension, it solved part of my problems when dealing with lazy casters.

    However, I have an issue. When I import the spell in a new character, for the spell from level 1 and above the use power button (the star) does not appear. I have tried with a vanilla situation (no extensions and modules loaded, except for yours).

    How do you make the use power botton appear for spells?

    Thank you very much for your extension and patience.

  2. #12
    Hi Eriktedesco,

    you need to set the spell as prepared (in preparation mode) first.
    This is standard behaviour of FG.

  3. #13
    Hi Xelab, done that! Shame on me, I was pretty sure spell preparation was done already.

    Thanks again!

  4. #14
    Reg's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2019
    Sydney Australia UTC+10
    Hey xelab

    This is fantastic!!!

    No conflicts detected so far with Critically AWesome extension, PreViewer, Coloured Sidebar & Improved Critical extensions running in build 24 Sept.

    One request - the upcast features keeps track of the spell slot as advertised, and I'm familiar with right clicking to get the extra dice, but it still doesn't deal with the extra pluses - for example - Magic Missile

  5. #15
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Reg View Post
    Hey xelab

    This is fantastic!!!

    No conflicts detected so far with Critically AWesome extension, PreViewer, Coloured Sidebar & Improved Critical extensions running in build 24 Sept.

    One request - the upcast features keeps track of the spell slot as advertised, and I'm familiar with right clicking to get the extra dice, but it still doesn't deal with the extra pluses - for example - Magic Missile
    Magic Missile should be cast one missile at a time. You shouldn't do the right click thing to cast it since you will get the wrong result. Also since you can cast the missiles at different targets it makes more sense to do it one at a time.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  6. #16
    Please Note:

    This extension is fully superseded my other extension "5E - Spell Automation"

  7. #17

    First off great extension, would love to use it but it seems to conflict with some of the other extensions I'm using

    - [Theme] 5E - SirMotte's Magnificent Darkness
    This was easy to fix as setting the load order to after the theme (I set the loadorder to 180) seems to do the trick.

    - 5E Enhancer
    When opening the actions tab there are failing scripts, I haven't tried to solve it, so can't tell if this would be easy to fix.

    Hop you will be able to look at it and maybe solve the issues, I would love to use the extension.

  8. #18
    Have a look at the post above yours

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