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  1. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by Korav View Post
    I actually came here wondering if the modifiers highlighting was broken with the latest release... because I'll be perfectly honest, I can't see any difference at all. I really love the theme, but find it challenging to use currently due to a few minor issues.
    It seems that this is a bug with FGU. It happens with all themes, even the default. Link for references: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...Longer-Working

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by Korav View Post
    It seems that this is a bug with FGU. It happens with all themes, even the default. Link for references: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...Longer-Working
    That is actually a new thing it seems. I just jumped in and checked. When I took that picture, it was still working but the highlight is really hard to differentiate. (Check the picture)

  3. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabriel View Post
    That is actually a new thing it seems. I just jumped in and checked. When I took that picture, it was still working but the highlight is really hard to differentiate. (Check the picture)
    Agreed, I had mistaken the new problem (buttons simply not working) for the problem you reported. They are indeed completely separate issues, sorry for not making that clear in my response.

  4. #84
    Fist of all - a big thank-you from me. The FG default theme is ok-ish but it was crying out for a make-over and your style is right up my street. I'm going to be starting a PF2 campaign soon and am using your theme. It is fantastic and I know you're not really supporting other frameworks but you did say you might fix stuff so a few issues I've noticed this far on the character sheet:

    The field names slightly overlap the field text box.
    The portrait frames are still brown.
    The weapon frames are still a little too gold for my taste!
    The multi-attack boxes need a rework.

    The attached screenshot should show the issues.


  5. #85
    Signs of Life, incredible!

    Hey everyone, I just wanted to check in to tell you that I'm almost ready again.
    Moving took more time than anticipated and things are still a little hectic here. But I'm slowly settling in and will soon be up and running again.

    Since I got a new job I won't be able to spend as much time on the themes as I'd like to, but non the less when I do it'll be full steam ahead.
    1.3 is on the horizon and it'll be glorious!

    I will answer all your input and questions within the next few days, I got your backs fellow adventurers!

    Until then.
    Sir Motte
    Last edited by SirMotte; April 18th, 2021 at 00:51.

    I support ORC(L) and #opendnd!

    Check out my Extensions and Materials for FGU!
    Dark Theme: Sir Motte's Magnificent Darkness - Hearth Edition.
    Custom GM Icon: Sir Motte's GM Icon Replacer.
    Midjourney Art: AI generated images for my campaign.

  6. #86
    Just came across some opportunities for improvement: some of the refblock frames are not represented, which can make the text within the frame very difficult to read. In particular, I have encountered this for refblock-pink and refblock-book.

    As an aside, it looks like all of the refblock_[color] images are identical, at least in the Hearth theme. If that is the intent, there is no need to have multiple copies of the same image, it can simply be referenced multiple times in the XML.

    Thanks again for the theme!
    My Forge creations: https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/crafter/9/view-profile
    My GitHub: https://github.com/MeAndUnique
    Buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/meandunique
    Discord: MeAndUnique#6805

  7. #87
    Okay guys. I'll resume work on the themes on the 3rd of August. So let's see what has accumulated over the past weeks thanks to your input.

    Quote Originally Posted by eriktedesco View Post
    Hi SirMotte,
    I'm sorry man but I think I still have work for you !!

    The NPC token number in the Cursed Theme are almost impossible to read.

    Check the attachment!

    Attachment 36990
    Oh noes. This is probably the case with all themes then. I will try digging up the needed graphic file and change it accordingly. Thanks a lot!

    Quote Originally Posted by pablomaz View Post
    Bro, SirMotte is making me migrate to FGU before I planned, just to use these themes. 
    Aaah the pressure! Thanks mate!

    Quote Originally Posted by Makabriel View Post
    Themes are awesome, and I know there are color blind options coming, but I was wondering if you have considered making the Modifiers highlight for the dice brighter? I have a colorblind player, and even I can barely tell when I've applied a modifier to the dice. He can't tell at all for any of the 6 themes.

    That being said, I can easily make a tweak to make it brighter if anyone knows which file and color entry to adjust Attachment 37119
    I made some adjustments for 1.3 in all themes, to make the downstate color more prominent, I hope it will help. If not please wait for the color blind themes. I will start working on them as soon as there are no more frequent error reports coming in.

    Quote Originally Posted by garr71 View Post
    Hello, anyone know a way of making Moon-tracker ext by Andraxx work with this theme?
    I took a look at the extension and as I do not have much knowledge about scripting I don't know what I would have to change in order to make them work with each other. I will try to minimize my extensions footprint in regard of scipt files in the future, but this will require help from others.

    You can add <loadorder>111</loadorder> into the moon-tracker extension.xml within the <properties> area, for it to load after my theme, but this will cause error messages down the line and some visual glitches with the moon-tracker menus. I don't know if these are caused by conflicts with my adjustments or by some other factor.

    I'm sorry to say, but I won't be able to add compatibility for this extension in the foreseeable future unless someone is willing to dive into the script file changes that I made and help me make them not overwrite everything else.

    I mostly took the whole script file and made my changes, then added them to the extension. I do realize that this is a big no no in regard of compatibility but I simply lack the skills to do otherwise. Sorry :/.

    Quote Originally Posted by matjam View Post
    So I had some issues. I run on a 30 inch 4k display; native resolution is 3840x2160. By default Classic kinda looks bad. I enabled compatibility mode to allow FG to do scaling itself rather than let Windows scale and that helps a lot.

    But, then the fonts are tiny, so I scale to 150% and that gets the right size, but of course the fgf fonts don't scale well.

    So I hacked out all the FGF fonts and ... it looks good.

    I also fixed some of the TTF definitions - you have them listed as say "Roboto-Black" when it should be "Roboto Black".

    Attached is the file with my edits. Note I bumped the font sizes for chat to look good on my screen; I need to playtest with others.

    I also have a rogue ext somewhere messing with the font colors, so tracking that down now.

    Attachment 37283
    Thanks for the heads up. I will fix this with 1.3! I did not yet test the theme with 4k, but it's safe to say that you need to bump up fonts quite a lot at this resolution. I will add a note to the main page regarding this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Korav View Post
    I actually came here wondering if the modifiers highlighting was broken with the latest release... because I'll be perfectly honest, I can't see any difference at all. I really love the theme, but find it challenging to use currently due to a few minor issues.
    If you mean the highlights in the combat tracker or on character sheets, this issue will be fixed with v1.3.

    Quote Originally Posted by Netarious View Post
    Fist of all - a big thank-you from me. The FG default theme is ok-ish but it was crying out for a make-over and your style is right up my street. I'm going to be starting a PF2 campaign soon and am using your theme. It is fantastic and I know you're not really supporting other frameworks but you did say you might fix stuff so a few issues I've noticed this far on the character sheet:

    The field names slightly overlap the field text box.
    The portrait frames are still brown.
    The weapon frames are still a little too gold for my taste!
    The multi-attack boxes need a rework.

    The attached screenshot should show the issues.

    I will take a closer look at it next week, but this would require changes to the themes on a color level which in turn would need its own extension file. Managing all the themes as is has become quite time intensive so I don't think I will be able to help you out, I'm sorry.

    Adding some graphics here and there is no problem though, so you can expect semi support in this regard, you just need to point out issues that are not color related or script based (some colors can only be altered using scripts) and I will provide the needed graphics if I find the time to do so.

    Quote Originally Posted by MeAndUnique View Post
    Just came across some opportunities for improvement: some of the refblock frames are not represented, which can make the text within the frame very difficult to read. In particular, I have encountered this for refblock-pink and refblock-book.

    As an aside, it looks like all of the refblock_[color] images are identical, at least in the Hearth theme. If that is the intent, there is no need to have multiple copies of the same image, it can simply be referenced multiple times in the XML.

    Thanks again for the theme!
    Hey there Pal, thanks for you input! The refblock management was a deliberate decision, as I plan to make an extensive template out of the theme once it's done. In case people like to change the refblocks independently I wanted to make sure that they are all represented within the xml. You are right though, some of them are not yet included as I didn't pay much attention to them before. I'll add all of them to v1.3.
    Last edited by SirMotte; July 30th, 2020 at 22:47.

    I support ORC(L) and #opendnd!

    Check out my Extensions and Materials for FGU!
    Dark Theme: Sir Motte's Magnificent Darkness - Hearth Edition.
    Custom GM Icon: Sir Motte's GM Icon Replacer.
    Midjourney Art: AI generated images for my campaign.

  8. #88
    Hey, SirMotte, please don't leave us. We need you!

  9. #89
    These are great! Thanks for your efforts, man. I greatly look forward to Sage and Librarian as I could use a touch of lightness these dark days :-)

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by pablomaz View Post
    Hey, SirMotte, please don't leave us. We need you!
    I won't, don't you worry, I'm desperately trying to squeeze in the promised update into my working schedule, but to no avail up until now. I'm sorry to let all of you guys down, hang in there!

    Quote Originally Posted by ailgheanan View Post
    These are great! Thanks for your efforts, man. I greatly look forward to Sage and Librarian as I could use a touch of lightness these dark days :-)
    Thanks for the compliment, you're welcome. Unfortunately both mentioned Themes won't come to life in the foreseeable future, as I currently lack the time to complete them.


    While I enjoy my new job a lot, its impact on my life is rather severe in terms of its time requirements. So much so, that I had to stop DMing for a while (just when I was able to resume due to lessened corona restrictions here in Germany!).

    I won't forget you guys, in fact my mind constantly bugs me to get at least 1.3 done. Its kind of a letdown really, for you and for me. Bear with me, I'll get it done, hopefully until the end of September.

    I support ORC(L) and #opendnd!

    Check out my Extensions and Materials for FGU!
    Dark Theme: Sir Motte's Magnificent Darkness - Hearth Edition.
    Custom GM Icon: Sir Motte's GM Icon Replacer.
    Midjourney Art: AI generated images for my campaign.

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