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Thread: TORG - Eternity

  1. #181
    Quote Originally Posted by discgolferusa View Post
    Ok so I’m very despondent right now. I tried to run my first session and it was a frustrating cluster.

    First and by far the largest frustration is cards. How do you manage this! Do I have to do 90% of the gameplay for my players on this? I had all these tokens on a shared cards image for them to pull from to put on the hand pool images but no one could move them from the shared image to their respective images. It would be great if the could just copy it and place it there but the can’t. They can’t even move it from one image to another. Do I have to make those tokens shared and not just share the gm tokens? I ended up manually dragging them from the shared pool image to their hands but then I had to manage when they played them as well, it was a mess! Tips on how to do the cards effectively would be awesome
    We've been using Trenloe's card table extension very successfully. Only time I need to manually intervene (beyond me rolling on the table) is when Players want to swap cards.
    Otherwise I roll, awarded card link show sup in chat, player drags it from chat onto their character sheet.
    Now in order to have that work I did sort of hack the MoreCore character sheet a bit. I converted the bottom 3 sections on the first tab into image lists. Hand, Pool and Cosm
    So the players also mange their hands by dragging between there and the pool. Annoyingly it "copies" rather than moves the card, so they do need to delete it from the hand as well

  2. #182
    It appears that the same company that brought Conan to FG is going to bring TORG as well, some time in the future. https://nerdeyeindustries.com/#/product

  3. #183
    So has anyone created effects in the torg extension? I'm looking at creating effects based off of say the aysle magic enhancements, or effects tied to items so that it automatically updates things like toughness. Just wasn't sure what keywords would affect things like toughness or any of the attributes. Or if that's even possible.

  4. #184

  5. #185
    Think I've put in a lot of work on this!

    Food for Toth was a module someone wanted me to test out for them, but the rest of the Torg modules are stuff I've created over the past few months as I have time. Currently all that I have left to do are a few cyberware and cyberdeck items for cyberpapacy, nile equipment, and everything from the tharkold sourcebook, but that's truly just a small fraction of things compared to everything that I've created.
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    Last edited by discgolferusa; August 5th, 2020 at 01:52.

  6. #186
    Damned -

    Questions for you, but first, my idea!

    I'm thinking of ways to expand this extension. After using FG for 5e and working with the Enhanced Combat extension and Token Helper extensions that Styrmir wrote it got me thinking that if I can access the targeted creature and their skills, could I not automate hit results? Since in Torg's case, it would be something like Missile/Fire/Energy Combat looks at the dodge skill, and melee looks at melee? That way I could get a message telling me that I hit and maybe even have it auto roll bonus dice based off of the results table and give me that value as well. I know there's no way to add that BD value to the weapon damage (since items don't have a damage or bonus field that we can leverage (unless it's something we can use expressions to trap).

    The other big rub is that it doesn't know what roll a particular item should use. I'm not sure if it would be useful to have a roll on the item, or if it would be better to search the item description for a Used Skill Value and take the attackers roll value to use, or forget the item thing all together and just say something like "player (A) does base damage to spider (3)", or "player (B) does base damage + 8 to spider (1)" after they roll for a given skill/attribute.

    So I guess the BIG questions to you are :

    A) Can I get the targeted foe information from the morecore CT like I can in 5e?

    B) Can I access both the players skills and the skills from the target in the CT?

    What do you think? Am I raving mad?

  7. #187
    damned's Avatar
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    Hi there discgolferusa,

    (in my mind I keep calling you disco golfer)

    Yes - there are several rolls that do that - have a look at the thac0 roll as an example - it handles targeted and untargeted rolls - there are several others but that is a good one to start from.
    Yes - you would use the same method that the thac0 roll uses but easier if you know what skill you are looking for - more complicated if you are looking thru all skills.

  8. #188
    Quote Originally Posted by alfarobl View Post
    Hi Damned, I did on a post here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...l=1#post446181

    The only issue is that I cannot share the custom tokens as cards or the card tables for each deck. Those are copyrighted by Ulisses Spiele, if you bought the TORG Eternity Drama Deck you can use the single card pdf file to extract the card images and create your own .mod. If anyone needs help on how to do it and create tokens for the cards let me know.

    For example they sell the TORG Drama Deck on Roll20 maybe you can also get it from there and extract the cards:
    What I'm looking for is the "How to get started" explanation, which describes every step needed to get the TORG Eternity ruleset running in FGU. Is there such a guide? I have the MoreCore ruleset and the MCTorgEternity extensions installed. What else is needed? How do you create and use the cards? What other stuff do I need or can use? I've backed every TORG Eternity KS to date, so I have all the PDFs. I've read some of the posts in this forum about creating the cards as a module?

    When I launch FGU, I do not see an option to create a TORG Eternity game...?

    I recognize that it's possible that that's all that is needed, but I just need some explicit instructions to be sure.
    Last edited by Geek MacBeer; September 4th, 2020 at 20:50.

  9. #189
    Quote Originally Posted by Geek MacBeer View Post
    What I'm looking for is the "How to get started" explanation, which describes every step needed to get the TORG Eternity ruleset running in FGU. Is there such a guide? I have the MoreCore ruleset and the MCTorgEternity extensions installed. What else is needed? How do you create and use the cards? What other stuff do I need or can use? I've backed every TORG Eternity KS to date, so I have all the PDFs. I've read some of the posts in this forum about creating the cards as a module?

    When I launch FGU, I do not see an option to create a TORG Eternity game...?

    I recognize that it's possible that that's all that is needed, but I just need some explicit instructions to be sure.
    Ok I've never tried it with FGU, so not sure if the extension works well with it or not. On FGC you would select MORECORE as your ruleset and then select the MCTorg extension as one of the extensions you load. I created the cards by using the pdf's you would have gotten through drivethruRPG. The easiest way is to import the PDF's as Images into software like GIMP. Then you have to save those images to your images folder. After that you want to make sure you get the basic cards table extension so that you can create a table in FGU that you will drop each card image into. The cards, extension makes it so that the random table will not reissue that card to another player until after you tell the system to refresh the table.

    I've put about 300 hrs of work into creating my content so far. It's time consuming work, but once it's done I hopefully won't have to change it much after that. I'm looking now at what I can do to either improve the extension or to provide ideas for improvements to morecore that may make the extension run better. You will find that NPC's are a big problem. Torg created GREAT npc's and flushed them out really well for their skills and the like, but on the flip side adding all those skills to them in the extension makes the combat tracker run like a dog. I'd love a checkbox or something on rolls in morecore that would let the ruleset know it needs to worry about loading that skill. Unfortunately that still would only help some because skills for say casting are so diverse in Torg that a high level caster will still load 10-12 rolls into the combat tracker.

  10. #190
    Quote Originally Posted by discgolferusa View Post
    After that you want to make sure you get the basic cards table extension so that you can create a table in FGU that you will drop each card image into.
    I've saved my decks as individual JPEG files (one per card). I've added the Basic Card Deck Table extension to my campaign. I'm still a bit lost on how to create the deck. I create a table, selected the Cards? option and the Auto? options. Now I have a dialog with a table showing two rows, each with two grey buttons followed by a Label field and the Used? radio button. How do I create entries on this table for the images I have of the cards?

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