5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    LFP - Pathfinder 1st Ed - Rise of the Runelords & FG 1st timer SUN 7 CST

    LFP - Pathfinder 1st Ed - Rise of the Runelords & FG 1st timer
    FG License: CLASSIC demo or better. GM has Full so players need at least Classic Lite, etc.
    Game System: Pathfinder 1st ed.

    Time Zone: i.e. CST, Central Standard Time USA
    Day of week and time: Sundays at 7pm CST - 11pm CST.
    Planned Duration & Frequency: If everything gels, meet once or twice a month either Sunday nights or Saturday nights.
    Term: If everything gels, continue playing Adventure Path

    Text or Voice: i.e. Voice required.
    Voice software used: Discord
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

    Roleplay & Combat mix: i.e. 50/50. Pathfinder by its nature is combat orientated, however there are some great characters in the Runelords campaign!
    Number of Players in game & needed: Currently 4 players, looking to add 1 or 2 more. Age 18+
    Character starting level & equipment: i.e. 3rd level. Core Rulebook only. Standard point buy. (I'm a FG newb and only have the PFSRD loaded). Pregens can be provided, just let me know in advance!
    Character restrictions: i.e. Core Rulebook only.

    Details of your scenario: New to Fantasy Grounds, but roleplaying on and off for 20 years! I am looking to give FG a spin as a GM, and what better way than with one of my favorite campaigns! I make no guarantees it will work, but it will be a fun distraction at the very least! About myself and my game style: I co-founded the Chicago Southwest Suburb RPG Meetup group back in my heydays. I previously ran three Pathfinder campaigns, the last being Runelords. I am not super serious. My goal is to make sure you have fun! I try to keep everyone engaged, keep the game moving if rules start to get in the way, and am a fan of the players. You may find I will ask you to fill in the blanks (what does the spell look like? How do you approach the guard?) and will look for each player's strengths. That said, I will do my best to keep us on the Adventure Path as the module demands. This module while at times is light-hearted, also covers some adult topics, so age 18+ please. I aim for an inclusive and cooperative group. Like a good improv troupe, we're all in this together, to stand each other up, riff off each other, and be each other's biggest fan.

    Campaign is already underway, over halfway through book 1.

    Current party composition:

    Some additional questions I'll ask that you could answer in your PMs, just to get to know ya...

    What role do you typically fulfill in the group? Question is purposely vague...

    What is your favorite part of roleplaying?

  2. #2
    I personally like to fill a role that let's myself work in concert with other players. Whether it is support or more direct I enjoy the aspects of playing with people and put mechanics on the back burner. I think my favorite part of roleplaying is the bonds you make with a character. you worry about them and dont want them to die. you take a little piece of every character with you when you play and it builds a special home in their heart. I have used fg for 10 years, and pathfinder for 10 years as well. It sounds really interesting and fun to do.

  3. #3
    I'm a little confused on the Planned Duration and Frequency part: are you planning to only have sessions once or twice a month, or am I misreading that?

  4. #4
    I am interested and sent a PM. Let me know if you are still looking for players.

  5. #5
    It is more like 2 a month, every other week just about, unless we run in to a scheduling conflict.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by paladinlee View Post
    It is more like 2 a month, every other week just about, unless we run in to a scheduling conflict.
    Still open?

  7. #7
    I am interested if you're not already full.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by paladinlee View Post
    It is more like 2 a month, every other week just about, unless we run in to a scheduling conflict.
    I see. I'll pass then, but I wish you and your group well!

  9. #9
    I am interested. PM if you are still looking.

  10. #10
    I think we got it for now. Here's the wait-list until our next game in the middle of Sept in case something opens up unexpectedly.


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