5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #71
    "Rocksfall.....everybody dies"

    An angry triggered GM who hates the current campaign & players, TPK's them, and wants to go home.

  2. #72
    Always one of my favorite NG episodes... I thought the play on words via a story was a great communication device. Thumbs Up to your version.

  3. #73
    My ranger's name on in Everquest on Ayone Ro server played from 1995 to 2008.

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  4. #74
    I had a cup from a trip to Myrtle Beach 30 years ago in my hand at the time. Myrtle backwards is Eltrym.

  5. #75
    Years ago, I gave up an old username and wanted to create a new one. The old name was "Penny Dreadful", and I thought "I'd like a username that is similarly dreadful", and so that became my username. Most of the time, I shorten it now to simply "similarly" since almost no one uses adverbs in their usernames (though I think I was partly inspired to use an adverb because of a very silly 1980s gangster-movie parody called Johnny Dangerously).

  6. #76
    I was so lucky. While surfing the Internet, something sparkled under a rickety bush on the edge of an imprint. I picked it up, removed the adhering dirt and polished it a little. Behold, my name came to light.

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