5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    LFP - 5-6 players for new 5E campaign, UTC-4, Mon-Tues 22:00 (American EST 10PM)

    ***Players found. Any others I will keep in mind in case someone drops***

    FG License: GM has FG2 Ultimate. No plans to switch to Unity for now.
    Game System: 5E

    Time Zone: UTC -4, American EST
    Day of week and time: Monday or Tuesday, 22:00 (10PM). That's 3AM Tues/Wed London, 12 noon Tues/Wed Sydney.
    If new game, planned start date: Within 2 weeks. I will need the week of Sept 20 off, but want to get a group started before then.
    Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly for about 3 hours. (22:00 - 01:00-ish)
    Term: Long term - keep playing for a while.

    Text or Voice: Voice, since I type like m..o..l..a..ss..e..s..
    Voice software used: Discord. If you think another app is better, I'm willing to listen to your reasons why and test it out.
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? Heck no. No contracts needed. LOL

    Roleplay & Combat mix: 40/60. I usually like to have a combat encounter once per session, but it depends on how the session is going. You can certainly try to sweet-talk your way into or out of trouble.
    Number of Players in game & needed: looking for a solid group of 5-6 players.
    Character starting level & equipment: probably start at 1st level, unless we agree to do a book that suggests otherwise.
    Character restrictions: I GM High Fantasy games. Magic is purchasable. There is room in a fantasy world for almost any class or ancestry. I allow any UA or WotC books. If you have a homebrew you like: so long as it's comparable to UA or existing books, I'll probably allow it. All I ask is that you tell me where to find a written copy of your nonsense, so I can incorporate it into my nonsense.

    Details of your scenario: Expecting to run through some WotC books (Storm King, Dragon Queen, Mad Mage.. You get the idea). Players will help me decide what we run.

    From the template: "**Also in here*** What do you expect from players as a GM? What do you not want? rules lawyers, combat monsters, min/max, etc. Any warnings or disclaimers you feel will help attract the right players and weed out the ones that you feel will not fit or be fun in this game."
    So, here are my expectations -
    One: We are playing to have fun, but we create each other's fun. To that end, I will not abide misogyny or any other gatekeeping playstyles. If you cannot play well with others, you will not have fun with me.
    Two: We are coming together to play a game. But this game is more akin to team sports in one way: it's on a schedule. I have reasons that I can't start until 10PM. Therefore, I'm setting the schedule for that time. I am aware of occasional work/family/illness issues. But before you join us, please consider--do you regularly have life require your attention at this time on Monday or Tuesday? If so, please don't. I don't want to frequently cancel sessions because half the party can't show. It's disappointing, and I look forward to game nights.
    C: Let's chat about the rules lawyer thing... I am the GM, and human, and fallible. I will forget or bend rules. Usually not on purpose, but when I do, it's because the story is better. You are also human and fallible. Roll with it when it happens, and let me know later. I'll try to do better next time.
    Q: I suck at numbering.
    4: This is the disclaimer: I will fail. I will miss something, or ignore something, or misunderstand, or.... That's part of life. Experience is gained by learning from mistakes. I've been making mistakes in D&D since Basic Edition. I've DMed Basic, 3.5, 4E and 5E. I've played all of those and also 2nd Ed AD&D. I took a decade off from playing because of life, then got back in and fell in love again. I generally hear good things from my players about my games, and I hope to keep that trend going with this one.

    So, if you got this far - send me a message. Replies to this thread are fine, but I'll share Discord info via message so we can chat. Thanks!
    Last edited by Leplin; August 23rd, 2020 at 01:28. Reason: Players organized.

  2. #2
    I am interested. Old time 1st edition player coming back. Have been DMing a 5e game for a couple months for my adult, and young adult children. None of them has the time to be a DM and I prefer playing.

  3. #3
    I'm interested. I've set up a bunch of player sheets using FG but never got to actually play due to conflicting sched. I'm free 24/7 rn.

  4. #4
    I too would be interested, have been playing D&D for close to 35 years, and have been in a campaign on Fantasy grounds for close to a year. I can play any class, let me know if I can join the party.

  5. #5
    I'd be interested, newer player with limited FG experience but id be happy to learn

  6. #6
    Hi Leplin, I'm interested. Your schedule is unusual and convenient for me being on Pacific Time. I'm reliable and creative just looking for some good role play.

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