Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    Experience Advancement


    I'm curious how people handle increasing skill ratings on the FG character sheet? We played our first game this morning and when we were doing experience weren't sure how to increase the skills. I defaulted to just put it in the spent column, but was wondering if anyone had a better idea?

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    As you use a skill successfully during teh session you should tick the check box.
    At the appropriate time you Roll to see if you improve the skill.
    Where you track it is up to you - I use Spent.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    As you use a skill successfully during teh session you should tick the check box.
    At the appropriate time you Roll to see if you improve the skill.
    Where you track it is up to you - I use Spent.
    The game system advancement I knew (played Runequest 2nd ed in the 80s) but wasn't sure there was somewhere to indicate that it was an experience advancement. Spent seemed the logical point, but I've missed stuff in sheets before. Thanks for the confirm.

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