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  1. #291
    Hi cpettyjr,

    You could always modify the armor worn and change the minimum MM penalty for the armor by just adjusting it by the strength modifier.
    Item Min MM Penalty.JPG

    It isn't automated but it should allow you to do what you want.


  2. #292

  3. #293
    Is there a way to create an NPC (a full character) and keep it hidden from the players?

  4. #294
    JohnD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cpettyjr View Post
    Is there a way to create an NPC (a full character) and keep it hidden from the players?
    Make the NPC PC and then in Select Character right click on it and at 3 o'clock position is Set Owner (DM) - this will make it so your players can't see the character when they connect in the selection window.
    "I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind."

    - John Diefenbaker

    RIP Canada, February 21, 2022

  5. #295
    dumb question, but how can I get the rm corerpg to test around with?

  6. #296
    It is on the live channel now. If it shows up as version 2+, it is the CoreRPG version. Right now it should be at version 2.1.12.

  7. #297

  8. #298
    Anyone got a RMC (excel type not a non-interactive pdf) Character sheet I could have?

    VMT in advance!

  9. #299
    Hi aarcc,

    If you are looking for a spreadsheet to create a character, you would be better off check the ICE Forums Vault found here:;dl=0


  10. #300
    Quote Originally Posted by Dakadin View Post
    Hi aarcc,

    If you are looking for a spreadsheet to create a character, you would be better off check the ICE Forums Vault found here:;dl=0

    Yep, already tried that. RMSS SS's NP but not RMC.

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