Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    Upgrading from FGC to Unity

    Just to clarify, I have an ultimate license for FGC. I am participating in FG College Founder's Day and I was asked to upload FGU Demo version.

    I have both versions now and if I decide to get the ultimate license for FGU, I still maintain my Ultimate License for FGC at the same time? Do I also maintain both platforms for use? Will I be getting weekly updates for both platforms and my understanding is that everything that I have for soucebooks and modules for FGC can now be used on both platforms?


  2. #2
    Yup. The license for Classic and the license for Unity are two separate licenses. The two applications install (by default) to different locations on your computer so they do not interfere with each other. Each one updates separately. The intent is that all of the sourcebooks and modules from FGC will work under FGU. (The reverse may not be true...) I say "intent" as there may be some extensions and such which might not work, and need updating from the author. If you have purchased, say, the 5ed Player's Handbook, it will work with both (ie: you do not need to buy it again).

  3. #3
    Ok, that is what I heard.....what ever I have for FGC will work with FGU but will not work the other way around....just wanted to make sure...I know that some of my effects I have in FGC will not work in players really like the effects.

  4. #4
    You can also transfer your campaign modules from FGC to FGU, be aware that it is not backwards compatible though. IIRC characters are able to go from FGU to FGC. Otherwise it is a one way trip. Many of the authours of the extensions are waiting for the full release of FGU so that they are not constantly trying to keep up with the changes that are occurring in the Beta version of FGU.

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