Thread: Necessary Evil

  1. #1

    Necessary Evil

    Anybody have this? I was pondering it as I'm a sucker for a good superhero game... but I have to admit that I am... hesitant, at best, at how the game handles superpowers. I know, they've got a lot of power points but the idea that Spider-man might "run out" of Spider-sense is... worrying, in terms of well Savge Worlds can handle emulating the genre.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by trnorris
    Anybody have this? I was pondering it as I'm a sucker for a good superhero game... but I have to admit that I am... hesitant, at best, at how the game handles superpowers. I know, they've got a lot of power points but the idea that Spider-man might "run out" of Spider-sense is... worrying, in terms of well Savge Worlds can handle emulating the genre.
    We are working on a conversion for Necessary Evil, and should have a due date on this product sometime early this year. Patience.

  3. #3


    Sure thing, man, sure thing. :-D I didn't really mean in terms of an FG module though. I was talking in terms of a review of the product itself. Mostly, like I said, I'm wondering how much it changes the superhero rules presented in the Core book in terms of:

    1) is there such a thing as an "always on" power so things that a superhero never generally loses in normal conditions (Superman's flight, Spider-man's danger sense, Quicksilver's speed, etc) don't need a power point every time they are used?

    2) How does it deal with super attributes? Are they done through Edges? Starting everyone at Seasoned Rank to start with (still not a great solution since it only means two attribute increases)? An "always on" power?

    3)... that's really it. Like the corebook says the superpowers might be good for a "pulp" hero (Golden Age I guess you might say) but Silver Age and beyond seems a little out of reach. It would end up a lot more cost effective to be a Punisher type.. plenty pulp there, without any need for powers.

  4. #4
    NE completely rewrites how Superpowers work The rules presented actually make it possible to run any super power based setting - not just the one presented

    Quote Originally Posted by trnorris
    Sure thing, man, sure thing. :-D I didn't really mean in terms of an FG module though. I was talking in terms of a review of the product itself. Mostly, like I said, I'm wondering how much it changes the superhero rules presented in the Core book in terms of:

    1) is there such a thing as an "always on" power so things that a superhero never generally loses in normal conditions (Superman's flight, Spider-man's danger sense, Quicksilver's speed, etc) don't need a power point every time they are used?
    Short answer - yes. Somewhat longer answer - in my experience, you can create ANY super hero character using the system presented in the NE setting.

    2) How does it deal with super attributes? Are they done through Edges? Starting everyone at Seasoned Rank to start with (still not a great solution since it only means two attribute increases)? An "always on" power?
    Basically - you purchase super attributes like you would powers. I won't go into the whole "how to" here, as that wouldn't be cool in my book. But you could in theory start with a character who has d12+12 Strength (or any other attribute).

    3)... that's really it. Like the corebook says the superpowers might be good for a "pulp" hero (Golden Age I guess you might say) but Silver Age and beyond seems a little out of reach. It would end up a lot more cost effective to be a Punisher type.. plenty pulp there, without any need for powers.
    Join the dark side t Grab the book and see for yourself

    But like Thore said - we are working on the NE conversion...but it never hurts to grab the PDF
    Vincent Kingston
    [email protected]

  5. #5
    Thanks, that tells me what I need to know :-D And yeah, I wasn't looking for detailed game mechanics, (insert prior discussion about intellectual property here).

    I likely will be grabbing it... but later. I just blew 30 bucks on Deadlands. I need to get a little more mileage out of what I've got before I buy more stuff, LOL (although, I've already got more mileage out of Savage Worlds than about 90% of the other RPGs I've bought in the past, sooo..)

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