5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #11
    It's not a bug. The issue is that FG has to preserve line spacing within XML tags for backward compatibility. Therefore, the first is incorrect, and the second will work.


  2. #12
    Moon Wizard, thanks for the feedback. Couldn't this issue be fixed just by using .Trim() on the ruleset names when comparing them? That way, if I have an extension written as I did that worked in Classic, it will still work in Unity (at least as far as that tag goes). That doesn't guarantee compatibility for everything else, but fixes this one small minor issue. It is, however, also a very minor thing to edit my extension.xml. In the future, I will likely develop in Unity anyway.

  3. #13
    Perhaps, but the original XML load/save code was mostly ported from FGC for best compatibility. Finding all the areas where this might happen is a task in itself.


  4. #14
    Completely understood. Thanks!

  5. #15
    I am having a similar problem although this is the first time I am trying this. It will not show up on the list if available extensions in FG Unity.

    Here is my code:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <root version="4.0.0" release="4.0.0">
    		<author>Kevin Hallock</author>
            <!-- Scripts -->
            <script name="ManagerSteps" file="scripts/manager_steps.lua"/>

  6. #16
    damned's Avatar
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    Setting it as CoreRPG will only allow it to load in CoreRPG. If you want it to load in all CoreRPG rulesets list them separately or use ANY and apologise for anyone who tries to use it with an unsupported ruleset.

  7. #17
    I must being doing something more basic that's incorrect. I simply changed the name of the fate-BlankSkills extension and added it to the extensions folder and it also does not show up.

    After making the adjustment, I zipped it using the "Send to Compressed Folder" option in Windows, changed the file extension to EXT, put it into the FG extensions folder, and launched FG. What else do I need to do?

  8. #18

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Dont zip up the parent folder - just the contents and any subfolders
    Thanks! That works. Now I can actually learn how to build an extension.

    Do I need to restart FG after adding/updating an extension?

  10. #20

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