Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #11
    Did y'all update? Because I legit have no clue why its translating to 1d12 for you folks but even when I download it as a module from the forum and test it I always get 2d6.

  2. #12
    AHHH, That would it then. I made it specifically in Unity. I'll add that to the top post.

  3. #13
    I updated the community expansions thread to indicate that this is a FGU only module. Let me know if that changes.

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Tarpon Springs, FL
    How does one use this? Drop it in which folder?

  5. #15
    It's a module, so the modules folder in fantasy grounds. Then load it like any other module by activating it from the library.

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Tarpon Springs, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by MxWolfie192 View Post
    It's a module, so the modules folder in fantasy grounds. Then load it like any other module by activating it from the library.
    HOLY MOLLY! I was finally able to load and tinker with this Mod. WOW. Well done. I am loving it. I am editing a few minor bits to customize it to my campaign style and am thrilled with this tool. Smashing job.

  7. #17
    So, I am very slowly re-working this entire module. I have no promises on when it will be finished, or if I will even be able to due to my current life schedule, but I'm adding in more "automation" in the way of story elements and roll tables. Should be a bit easier to use, cutting out some of the bloat, adding in more information that some friends brought to my attention that I had either completely omitted or put in the wrong information, etc. Once its to an actually useable position I'll add it along side the original on the start of this thread.

  8. #18
    GregRex's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Exciting stuff MxWolfie192, this was a feature request that recently came up at our last symposium.

  9. #19
    Just wanted to update everyone that I am still working on this project but it is VERY slow going. I decided with the release of the remade core book to use that as my source material and limit myself to the core rulebook for the remake just due to the limited time I'm able to devote. I also found out I have ADHD that was undiagnosed (and being self medicated) for a long time and dealing with that along with other personal issues has limited my time to devote to this project. I often go long periods of time forgetting I'm even working on this then will have periods where I make a ton of progress. ADHD is not really all that fun to deal with and figuring out ways to cope with it while trying to figure out medications that work and don't interact with my OTHER medications (because I can't go off the other medications for life saving reasons) or that don't leave me with panic attacks or other mental health issues has been a nightmare. Thankfully I have supportive friends and partners who have been helping me out physically and emotionally with all of this going on.

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by MxWolfie192 View Post
    Just wanted to update everyone that I am still working on this project but it is VERY slow going. I decided with the release of the remade core book to use that as my source material and limit myself to the core rulebook for the remake just due to the limited time I'm able to devote. I also found out I have ADHD that was undiagnosed (and being self medicated) for a long time and dealing with that along with other personal issues has limited my time to devote to this project. I often go long periods of time forgetting I'm even working on this then will have periods where I make a ton of progress. ADHD is not really all that fun to deal with and figuring out ways to cope with it while trying to figure out medications that work and don't interact with my OTHER medications (because I can't go off the other medications for life saving reasons) or that don't leave me with panic attacks or other mental health issues has been a nightmare. Thankfully I have supportive friends and partners who have been helping me out physically and emotionally with all of this going on.
    Hey MxWolfie192,

    As a parent of a child with ADHD (and ASD) I can only imagine what you have to deal with, and those meds, what fun they are not. t's awesome that you have support around you, and that you have insight into yourself. I do wish you all the best and hope you can stabilise things.

    Oh we should talk, I'm about to start on a Character Creator wizard thing and maybe we can do that together.

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: to see what I'm up to!

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