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  1. #971
    Yep, it is incorrect. Zacchaeus is right.

    The extension puts it on the layer you are currently one when you build the encounter. So if you are using official stuff, it is base layer, which is a pain in the butt. When you BUILD yours, however, put that pin on the top and make sure you are on that layer when dropping them in from the encounter, and it will put them on the top.

  2. #972
    Quote Originally Posted by JLBatman View Post
    Yep, it is incorrect. Zacchaeus is right.

    The extension puts it on the layer you are currently one when you build the encounter. So if you are using official stuff, it is base layer, which is a pain in the butt. When you BUILD yours, however, put that pin on the top and make sure you are on that layer when dropping them in from the encounter, and it will put them on the top.
    Perhaps I phrased that poorly, but we're talking about modules, where all the things placed on the image from the module will be on the bottom layer, and you'll have to move them yourself.

  3. #973
    The poster I was responding to said, "Using preset adventures (hoard of dragon queen actually)". Hence he will experience what Scried said.

    Fantasy Grounds Unity Lives! Good job, Smiteworks!

  4. #974
    Managing with extension I found that Death Indicators is causing conflict with Combat Enhancer, CE is working properly. I will remove DI to make it working correctly.

  5. #975
    Is there an easy(ish) way to just disable the feature where PC's reduced to 0 HP "fall" to the middle layer? It becomes a chore when party members want to drag a fallen ally to safety if they don't have healing readily available, and finding the PC on the combat tracker to administer healing when they are more accustomed to interacting with tokens is sometimes difficult as well.

    I love some of the options that the layers add, and really like the elevation feature, but a little more modularity on what's active and what is disabled would be nice.

  6. #976
    I'm new to FG and just trying to work out how this would benefit me, but I guess the most important question for me (sorry if it's obvious) is does this work with FGU?

  7. #977
    Quote Originally Posted by WinterSoldier7 View Post
    I'm new to FG and just trying to work out how this would benefit me, but I guess the most important question for me (sorry if it's obvious) is does this work with FGU?
    There is a different version for Unity. It's in this thread: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...53-5E-Enhancer

    Also, a good rule of thumb on extensions is if you don't know what it does and how it'll help, don't use it. Any extension has a chance to conflict with others. So don't use more than you need. Especially ones that deal with combat.
    Fantasy Grounds Unity Lives! Good job, Smiteworks!

  8. #978
    Excellent, thank you!

  9. #979
    The Spells Produce Flame and Radiant Sun Bolt no longer work. Next to the target, 10 ft, 15 ft, 30 ft, 40 ft. Flying in the air. This is the only result that you get.

    Script Error: [string "scripts/ranged_attacks.lua"]:40: attempt to concatenate local 'maxRange' (a nil value)

  10. #980
    Quote Originally Posted by wframe View Post
    GM here. I just found this extension and it's great. The only issue I'm having is the rangefinding for NPC/monsters. I have been testing this by setting up mock combat with both a PC and a monster out of range of each other. When I attack with the PC, it rolls disadvantage as expected. When I attack with the monsters (Goblin and an Orc), neither one ever rolls disadvantage. It just states that it's out of range. Am I missing something?

    I have tried different weapons (Sling, javelin, shortbow) and I get the same results.
    Grab the latest ranged_attacks.lua from the scripts folder on GitHub (it's not updated in the in the INSTALL VERSIONS folder), it looks to have this issue fixed. Alternatively, you can do what I did and edit the file; within the if block on lines 413-449, move the "Spell Action version 1" block to before the "Weapon version 1" block.
    The result ends up looking something like this:
    					-- Spell action version 1
    					-- this exception is needed as some modules have a slightly different range entries
    					-- where spell entries on NPCs are put under actions, and only one range is available
    					-- string input ex. 'Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, range 150 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) fire damage. ...'
    					rangeText = string.match(description, "ranged?%s%d+");
    					if rangeText ~= nil then
    						medRange = string.sub(rangeText, 7, string.len(rangeText));
    						maxRange = medRange;
    					-- Weapon version 1
    					-- search for 'range * ft', return range as substring, split substring in two (medium/max range)
    					-- string input ex. 'Thrown (range 30/120)''  and 'range 30/120 ft.''
    					rangeText = string.match(description, "ranged?%s%d+/%d+");
    					if rangeText ~= nil then
    						-- find '/' index
    						-- medRange = start of numbers to before index
    						-- maxRange = after index to end
    						local index = string.find(rangeText, '/');
    						medRange = string.sub(rangeText, 7, index - 1);
    						maxRange = string.sub(rangeText, index + 1, string.len(rangeText));
    					-- Weapon version 2
    					-- this exception is needed as some modules have a slightly different range entries
    					-- string input ex. 'Thrown (range 30 ft./120)''  and 'range 30 ft./120 ft.''
    					rangeText = string.match(description, "ranged?%s%d+%s?[a-zA-Z]+\.?/%d+");
    					if rangeText ~= nil then
    						local index = string.find(rangeText, '/');
    						medRange = string.match(string.sub(rangeText, 7, index), "%d+");
    						maxRange = string.sub(rangeText, index + 1, string.len(rangeText));
    In that snippet also corrected the regex from * to + (match one or more digits rather than match zero or more), and made it more forgiving towards the effect wording. Any combination of the following variations will work with it:
    ranged 150/600 (ranged instead of range)
    range 150ft./600 (no space between 150 and ft.)
    range 150 ft/600 (no period in ft.)
    range 150 m/600 (any unit of any character length)

    Quote Originally Posted by geeca View Post
    The Spells Produce Flame and Radiant Sun Bolt no longer work. Next to the target, 10 ft, 15 ft, 30 ft, 40 ft. Flying in the air. This is the only result that you get.

    Script Error: [string "scripts/ranged_attacks.lua"]:40: attempt to concatenate local 'maxRange' (a nil value)
    Open up ranged_attacks.lua from Token Helper. Go to around line 516 and change:
    local rangeText = string.match(description, "%d*");
    local rangeText = string.match(description, "%d+");
    Then just edit the spell in FG (may need to add it to the character's sheet first), and add the range. For Produce Flame I've got Self, 30ft; Radiant Sun Bolt is the same just without Self. The code change for this part ensures that it won't match an empty string and get a range of "" from "Self, 30"
    This gets me the correct output of "The ranged attack is OUT OF RANGE and misses. Produce Flame (30) from 540 feet."
    Last edited by AliAthena; July 3rd, 2020 at 23:54. Reason: minor formatting

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