Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #31
    Hi, just wanted to add that I am seeing this a lot. Sometimes opening and closing a window will cause it to correct itself. Sometimes getting it occur in tables as well. I will try to grab a screenshot the next time it occurs.

  2. #32
    Its random for me, but occured 2 days ago using FGU SWADE, the Character sheet, Traits tab, random die icons disappear, reload the character sheet and it displays properly.
    Also some text boxes appear blank, but if I use the mouse wheel to scroll up, the text appears :-/

  3. #33
    I should of said that, yesterday I changed from Theme - Wood to Simply Brown, been using it for hours since and it has not occurred again.

  4. #34
    GKEnialb's Avatar
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    Jul 2017
    Castle Rock, CO
    Played tonight with 2020-05-14 and it seemed much worse than with earlier builds - it happened on several different windows and happened to players for the first time in a while. Usually it was an entire section of the box, as has been the case, but for the first time tonight I saw it happen to just a portion of a field.

    Missing field.png Partial Blank Field.png

    I'm not sure if this is related at all, but some boxes have a stray horizontal line - always in the same place, regardless of scrolling (meaning it stays in the same place relative to the box while the text scrolls behind it)

    Stray line.png

  5. #35
    This issue is starting to make things nearly unplayable. Often times one or two of my PCs' character sheets will be nearly blank on my side or elements will be missing from the combat tracker that makes it really difficult to run encounters. One of the more frustrating things that happens regularly is that one or two of the NPCs in the combat tracker will have their targeting UI go blank, so I can't see who is being targeted on my side and the buttons for adding a target or removing all targets doesn't show. If that doesn't happen then it will be the effects UI so I can't actually remove an effect when needed.

    I didn't get any screenshots from the last session I ran, but I just fired up FGU right now and the issue was almost instantly reproduced in a couple of windows I randomly opened.


    Anyone know of a workaround of any kind? Is there a way to force the combat tracker or a character sheet with missing elements to reload? Closing and reopening the windows or switching tabs, etc doesn't seem to have any affect from what I can see.

  6. #36
    Try the Simply Brown Theme, it has been working much better since I changed the Theme.

  7. #37
    I will give that a shot. I thought I noticed that it was happening less often when I used no theme rather than the 5E Wizards theme. I also notice most of the screenshots are from the 5E theme. Maybe it's theme related. Though I'd think "no theme" would be the best solution if it was. I definitely see it when I have no theme.

  8. #38
    Still getting some missing chunks of the UI when using Simple Brown. I'm running the latest version of Fantasy Grounds Unity on Windows. I have the Druid Wild Shapes extension installed but nothing else (and I'm seeing the issue without Druid Wild Shapes). I notice that in all themes the scroll bars seem to occasionally do funky things like draw larger than the window for a few frames or shoot down off the bottom of the screen when you switch between a page with scrolling and one without. It may be coincidence but I feel like I see that more often around the times that chunks of the UI go missing.


    EDIT: Another example: missing_ui3.PNG

    When something like this happens to a player in my game I have no possible way that I can find to fix it short of having everyone disconnect and then restarting FGU and having everyone reconnect. Since this happens to usually at least one character sheet every game it's quite frustrating!
    Last edited by cevikd; May 19th, 2020 at 21:55.

  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by cevikd View Post
    When something like this happens to a player in my game I have no possible way that I can find to fix it short of having everyone disconnect and then restarting FGU and having everyone reconnect. Since this happens to usually at least one character sheet every game it's quite frustrating!
    I don't think I'm encountering this issue nearly as much as you, but one thing that has worked for me (when it occurs on character sheets) is to release ownership of the PC, then have the player re-claim it. I think this forces the character sheet to reload, which sometimes fixes it. Not a guaranteed fix, but maybe it'll save you a reload or two.

  10. #40
    That's awesome, I will give that a shot next time. Thanks for the suggestion!

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